Semester 2 Week 14
1947, Reagan became president of the Screen Actors Guild (the actors union) Testified about communism in Hollywood to HUAC A Democrat & supporter of the New Deal, he began to shift to conservative views after dealing w/ Communists in Hollywood 1964, Barry Goldwater asked him to make a televised speech on his behalf The speech impressed several wealthy people in CA; they convinced Reagan to run for gov’r w/ their financial backing in 1966; won re-election in 1970
Reagan became the most influential spokesperson for the conservative cause The Iran Hostage Crisis as well as other issues worked against Carter & Reagan won a landslide victory Pop vote 51%-41% The GOP gained control of Congress for 1 st time in 25 years
Reagan’s 1 st priority was the economy which was suffering from stagflation – a combo of high unemployment & high inflation Most economist thought that the way to fight unemployment was to increase gov’t spending Increasing spending made inflation worse Many economist did not expect high unemployment and high inflation to hit at the same time
MONETARISTS Argued that inflation was caused by too much money in circulation Believed the best solution was to raise interest rates SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS Said economy was weak b/c taxes were too high which took money away from investors If taxes were cut then businesses would have more money to spend on other things and create new jobs
Reagan combined monetarism & supply-side economics He encouraged the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates high and asked Congress to pass a massive tax cut Critics called this Reaganomics or “trickle down economics” They believed that Reagan’s policy would help corporations & wealthy Americans, while only a little bit of the wealth would trickle down to the average American
His 1 st act as president was to sign an executive order eliminating price controls on oil & gasoline Falling energy prices freed up money for businesses & consumers to spend elsewhere The Nat’l Highway Traffic & Safety administration reduced its demand for air bags & higher fuel efficiency for cars The FCC abandoned efforts to regulate the new cable TV industry Reagan encouraged the deregulation of the airline industry which led to price wars, cheaper fares & the founding of new airlines
Reagan wanted judges who followed the original intent & wording of the Constitution rather than those who interpreted & expanded its meaning Nominated Sandra Day O’Connor to be the 1 st woman on the Supreme Court 1986, Chief Justice Warren Burger retired, Reagan chose William Rehnquist to succeed him & Anthony Scalia to fill the other vacancy
The growing economy made Reagan very popular Dems nominated Carter’s VP Walter Mondale who would choose Geraldine Ferrero as his running mate Ferrero would be the 1 st woman to be nominated to run for VP Reagan won 59% of popular vote & took all the electoral vote except in MN & DC
1. Reagan was 2 time governor of this state? 2. Who did Reagan defeat in the Election of 1980? 3. This is a combo of high unemployment and high inflation? 4. This was known as “trickle down economics”? 5. Who became the 1 st woman to serve on the Supreme Court?