CDDA storage and publishing in EUNIS on the European Community Clearing House Mechanism G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD.


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Presentation transcript:

CDDA storage and publishing in EUNIS on the European Community Clearing House Mechanism G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD

EUNIS (EUropean Nature Information System): As a project... Initiated by EEA Developed by ETC-NPB/ETC-BD Put on the web with IDA money within EC-CHM context (version 1: ended in 2003, version 2: one year subvention, on-going)

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS (EUropean Nature Information System): WHAT IS EUNIS ? Database / 3 modules : species, habitats and sites. Harmonisation tools + reservoir of information. I/O ? Inputs (how ?) : EIONET (Priority Data Flow i.e. CDDA) partnership with data providers (countries, international bodies, ngo's, scientists). Outputs (What for ?): 1) via EEA : reports, specific products incl. indicators, full database and 2) via EC- CHM for consultation and downloads for public awareness.

Country National organisations and NGOs: Nature Inventory/Monitoring EIONET Reportnet ETC Clearing House Website at EEA Indicator Production EEA Reporting EUNIS Data flows

Country International Organisations (Eurostat, OECD, FAO, CoE, CBD, Ramsar, WCMC) International NGO (BirdLife, IUCN) Science (Research programmes, Literature, Atlas Committees) National organisations and NGOs: Nature Inventory/Monitoring EIONET Reportnet ETC Clearing House Website at EEA Indicator Production EEA Reporting

Country International Organisations (Eurostat, OECD, FAO, CoE, CBD, Ramsar, WCMC) International NGO (BirdLife, IUCN) Science (Research programmes, Literature, Atlas Committees) National organisations and NGOs: Nature Inventory/Monitoring EIONET Reportnet ETC Clearing House Website at EEA Indicator Production EEA Reporting NATURA 2000 Information (National level) NATURA 2000 Assessment, ETC/NPB assistance COMMISSION ETC/NPB NATURA 2000 Data Handling NATURA 2000 Database EMERALD dataflow

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a database Content Information about more than 54,000 species... Taxonomy (hierarchy + 36,000 synonyms) Vernacular names (up to 33 languages, 32,000 names) Distribution (20,000 species) Conservation status (5180 species) Legal status (International level, 3,200 species) Populations and trends (Birds only) Habitats (5,150 species) & Sites (20, 000 species)

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a database Content Information about almost 72,000 sites... Denomination Designation type (+ designation meta-information) Localisation IUCN categories Species & habitat occurrence Activities in and around site Polygons

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a database Content 2 major Habitat products : Annex I habitats of EU Habitat Directive EUNIS classification Connexion between these and 33 other classifications Detailed descriptions and references Hierarchy Key navigation and key diagrams

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a Web tool for all How does it work ? On a basic approach, as a set of three modules allowing to find information on species, habitats or sites...

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a Web tool for all How does it work ? Basic approach : once one knows what he is interested in, a set of easy searches allows to answer basic questions

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a Web tool for all How does it work ? Basic approach : basic questions such as... Which designated areas are present in the rectangle defined by coordinates X 1 °, Y 1 ° and coordinates X 2 °, Y 2 ° ? Where are the designated areas hosting species threatened as Vulnerable at global level ? How to identify habitats in such designated area ?

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a Web tool for all How does it work ? Basic approach : once such basic question has been answered... The user gets a bunch of results : Re-questionable i.e. possibilities to refine the search by applying narrower criteria, Downloadable as a matrix for further home analysis or as a pdf document (long list), Mapable in the case of results concerning sites, Pointing to detailed fact sheets.

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a Web tool for all How does it work ? Basic approach : Re-questionable results

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a Web tool for all How does it work ? Basic approach : Downloadable results

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a Web tool for all How does it work ? Basic approach : Mapable results

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a Web tool for all How does it work ? Basic approach : Pointing to detailed fact sheets Fact sheets : are overall pictures of a single species, habitat or site, information given is organised in detailed and collapsible sections, also downloadable as pdf file.

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS as a Web tool for all How does it work ? Fact sheets contains : For sites : - Site identification - Monitoring activities - Location information + map (zoom-able + background layer selectable) - Site contact authorities - Description - Ecological information: Fauna & Flora, Habitats within site - Human activities

G. LOÏS, EEA-ETC/BD EUNIS : whats next ? EC-CHM v.2 Time response improved !!! Clearer view Access for all GIS tools CDDA within EUNIS More data ?… More type of data ?… i.e. Better quantity AND better quality