Pat Quinn Population of Illinois: 12,830,623
Early life and personal history Birth : Dec.16 th 1948 Family: NA Education: Georgetown school of foreign service Married life: Divorced two sons
Political life Author of How to appeal your Illinois property taxes without a lawyer Running mate with Rod Blagojevich Tax Attorney Walked from the Mississippi river to Lake Michigan
Contribution to the American way of life Reopened 7 state parks
Contribution to the American way of life Enforced cutback amendment
Lasting importance I believe that Pat Quinn is very devoted to his voice in the government and wants the best for Illinois. We can only expect good things to come from Pat Quinn.
Working Bibliography "Governor Pat Quinn." Web. 29 Mar Cameron, Ann. "Patrick Quinn III." Web. 3 Apr "Governor Quinn Unveils Comprehensive Energy Plan." Web. 29 Mar Louv, Richard. "Just What the Doctor and the Economist Ordered." Web. 4 Mar Janssen, Sarah, ed. The World Almanac. New York: Infobase Learning, Print. "Illinois Governor Pat Quinn." Web. 29 Mar. 2012