Step-by-step Here is how simple it is to get on the Mesh...
Go Shopping for a router
Broadband Hamnet™ Router Shopping Guide WRT54G information courtesy 11/2012, Consider printing this and keeping a copy handy to evaluate used equipment Warning: There are a number of router models made by linksys with confusingly similar names. Check the model name carefully. If it has a suffix or added letters in the middle, check the broadbandhamnet. org web site to see if it's compatible. Simplified shopping list:
WRT54G Series ModelVersionComments WRT54GS1.0 – 3.0Most memory (32/8) MB WRT54GS WRT54G WRT54GL – – /4 MB WRT54G1.016/4 MB 5V DC power Warning - uses different supply voltage from all other models.
Go to HSMM-MESH website – Software Download page
Save the proper file for your model
If purchased used, push and hold the reset button on the back with a pen or similar object for 10 seconds
Connect PC to the router, boot PC, open favorite browser, and log in to router administration page (no username, pass: admin)
Go to Administration page
Go to firmware update tab, click browse and select the file you saved earlier
DO NOT remove power while it is updating
SUCCESS ! Router will reboot and become an HSMM-MESH node
Need to refresh your computer's IP address. Click START and Run, type in CMD and hit OK
Type IPCONFIG /release and then IPCONFIG /renew. It should then show like the text in the yellow box below.
In your browser, go to It should show you a screen like below
Click the SETUP button and login. The default is root and hsmm
Minimally, you need to set the node name and change the password. Your call sign must be in the node name (like KB1JFG-3). Click SAVE
When you click SAVE, it will reboot.
After about 60 seconds, it will refresh and show the main status page
Clicking MESH STATUS will show you any nodes it may be connected to.
From the Main page, clicking the WIFI SCAN button will show you any other Wifi access points it may see
Port fwd, DHCP and Services
Mesh Chat
Mesh Cam
Raspi Web Server
Please Update the R.I. Map
Now Let’s Get on the Mesh!