2005EASAED International Safety Initiatives John Vincent Head – Safety Analysis & Research November 2005 European Aviation Safety Agency Agence Européenne de la Sécurité Aérienne Europäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit Agenzia Europea per la Sicurezza Aerea
European Aviation Safety Agency 2005 Insert title Slide 2 Safety cant stand still Recovered from 2001, SARs & Oil prices Low cost airlines - phenomenal growth India and China Boom in orders for Airbus & Boeing In a decade the annual increase in air traffic will equal the number of flyers in 1969, the year the 747 was introduced Open skies – liberalisation Single skies
European Aviation Safety Agency 2005 Insert title Slide 3 Cooperative safety agendas around the world CAST PAAST JSSI > ESSI ASETUnderway COSCAP CIS Underway COSCAP NA, SA, SEA
European Aviation Safety Agency 2005 Insert title Slide 4 Basis for transition The JAA Safety Strategy Initiative (JSSI) was established in It is a safety improvement program supporting the JAA in meeting a commitment to improve aviation safety in Europe The JSSI Steering Group (StG) closely cooperates with the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)
European Aviation Safety Agency 2005 Insert title Slide 5 Safety Loop Identify Prioritize Resolve Monitor CAST / JSSI / RASTs Safety Management System What next?
European Aviation Safety Agency 2005 Insert title Slide 6 Means & Methods (3) Top Down Lead by safety regulator Starts with high level analysis Partnership Lead by co-chaired steering committee Starts with joint priorities Bottom Up Lead by industry Starts with survey of activities
European Aviation Safety Agency 2005 Insert title Slide 7 Top Down Strengths Strategic Link to rulemaking Weaknesses Indifferent buy in Lack of detail Character Slow response Mandatory
European Aviation Safety Agency 2005 Insert title Slide 8 Bottom Up Strengths Current concerns Understandable Weaknesses Shouts loudest Gaps arise Character Rapid response Voluntary
European Aviation Safety Agency 2005 Insert title Slide 9 Partnership Strengths Balance of concerns Commitment to action Weaknesses Compromise / dilution Management overhead Character Reliant on good leadership Open
European Aviation Safety Agency 2005 Insert title Slide 10