Procopius of Caesarea The principal source on the reign of Justinian From Palaestina Prima (modern day Israel/Palestine) Accompanied the general Belisarius (his patron) on his campaigns Wrote three works: Wars of Justinian, Buildings of Justinian, Secret History
Wars Deals with wars against Persia, the Vandals in North Africa and the Ostrogoths in Italy First seven books written by 545 but updated to 551 An eighth book added to cover the events of 552/3, including successful conclusion of the war in Italy
Buildings Published some time in the 550s May be incomplete Probably requested by Justinian Panegyric: “a lofty oration or writing in praise of a person or thing” Apart from tone, some factual errors: eg, claims Justinian’s reign began in 518 rather than 527
Secret History Concerns broadly the same period as Wars Probably written between 558 and 652 Presents a completely different view of Justinian, Theodora and Belisarius than in his published works. Justinian is portrayed as cruel and incompetent. Unknown until its discovery in the Vatican Library in the 17 th Century
The Hagia Sophia