Bucharest The JRC Enlargement & Integration Action: Progress and Plans for the Future Information Day, Bucharest 11 May 2006 Giancarlo Caratti, Head of Unit
Bucharest New Member States MS joined EU on Transitional measures. Supports continues EU Policy Framework 2 Acceding Countries (Romania, Bulgaria) and 3 Candidate Countries (Turkey, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia). Emphasis on other Western Balkan countries as potential candidates On 3/10/2005 accession negotiations started with Turkey and Croatia. Croatia became associated to FP6 on European Neighbourhood Policy encourages cooperation with EU bordering countries with the creation of a single financial instrument (ENPI)
Bucharest JRC support to EU Enlargement policy Strategic Objectives: To help the NMS, AC, CC and PCC in dealing faster with the “EU acquis” in areas of JRC competence To contribute to the development of the “European Research Area”
Bucharest Five Intertwined Instruments : 1.Focus JRC core projects on specific Enlargement needs 2.Networks and Indirect Actions 3. Hostexperts, research fellows 4.Advanced training courses and workshops 5.Information and awareness actions JRC Enlargement and Integration Action
Bucharest Environment (Air Quality, Mining Waste, Water Quality, MAHB, etc.) Food (GMO, mycotoxins) Agriculture (MARS, Animal identification, Sustainable Agriculture) Energy (Cogeneration, Renewables, Conservation) Metrology Nuclear Safety and Security Support to IS Policies Several projects focused on specific needs of the target countries, including:
Bucharest JRC networks and projects involve Romanian partners covering various fields: Agriculture / Food Compliance with CAP GMO in food Food Safety Environment / Energy Soil, Water, Air Quality Flood Prediction Building codes Nuclear Fuel behaviour Fighting illicit trafficking Radioactivity monitoring Others Metrology Technology Foresight Information Society Information Event at the Academic of Economic Studies Bucharest – 24 May 2005 Progress Since Information Event 2005
Bucharest Examples of Training / Workshops 2. Workshops and advanced training courses 120 specialised S&T workshops and advanced training courses Organised in collaboration with Policy DGs and DG ENLARGEMENT- TAIEX All workshops open also to experts from WBC Nomination via PCC Missions to the EU / NCP
Bucharest Food Safety; Mycotoxins; Acrylamides; Allergens; Nutrients and Food Additives; Human Exposure to Physical Agents; Health Reference Systems Chemical Measurements; Biotechnology; Chemical Safety (REACH); Alternative Tests; Human Exposure to Chemicals Programme areas addressed in the scheme Connection to Acquis chapters – Food – Chemicals – Environment – Metrology – Agriculture – Energy and Nuclear Safety – Others 2. Workshops and advanced training courses Air, Water and Soil Quality; IPPC; Natural Hazards; Forests; Floods; Landslides; Illicit Discharges; Geographical Information Systems Certified Reference Materials, Metrology Remote Sensing Monitoring; Crop Production Forecasts; Livestock Traceability; Authentication of Origin; Environment Concerns in Agriculture Energy Efficiency; Renewable Energies; Nuclear Safety, Security and Waste Management; Radiation Protection Nanomaterials, Foresight, Security, Border Control, Vulnerable Infrastructures, Intellectual Property Rights
Bucharest Information Event atUniversity Babes- Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 25 May 2005 Progress Since Information Event Romanian experts participated in 102 JRC specialised workshops in 2005 dealing with S&T aspects of the EU acquis 8 JRC workshops were organised in Romania
Bucharest Enlargement and Integration Action 2005 Number of experts trained in JRC workshops by countries
Bucharest JRC reserves 100 positions for staff from New Members States, Acceding and Candidate Countries in Extensions -Publications Open call Evaluation and information of candidates Establishment of reserve list of selected candidates Job opportunities
Bucharest Detached National Experts (preference from public entities) / Contract Agents Research Fellows (on selected bases and will be changed to Contract Agents) Young Trainees 3. Job opportunities
Bucharest The JRC Mobility scheme of SNE and Research Fellows currently restricted to countries associated to FP6 For others (= not associated) possibilities are offered by Marie Curie Schemes 3. Job opportunities:
Bucharest Progress Since Information Event Romanian researchers are currently working at the DG JRC institutes within projects of interest to JRC and Romania They are selected via open calls Press Conference in Bucharest on 24/5/ 2005, Mr Anton, Mr Schenkel and Mr Scheele
Bucharest Visiting / Temporary Staff from NMS and CC working at JRC Institutes Via Calls for Manifestation of Interest for DNE and VS and ELSA data base (CORDIS) – JRC competition for Research Staff from NMS closed in September 2004.
Bucharest Response to the 2005 Call for temporary staff
Bucharest Joint proposals under FP6 / FP7 JRC applies to FP calls on “equal footing” and on “competitive basis” equal to all other organisations Over 70% of these proposals include one or more partner(s) from NMS and Enlargement countries Possible proposals for submission of joint proposals could be routed via either the JRC institutes, ISR (Brussels) or NCP (or vice-versa) Offers for cooperation will be considered
Bucharest JRC - Project Knowledge System integrates JRC+CORDIS databases How to establish a contact with JRC : - check out project web-site with indications of areas and contact the there indicated project manager and /or : − contact the Enlargement Contact Officer of the institute 4. Joint proposals under FP6 / FP7
Bucharest JRC - Project Knowledge System example Ankara 4. Joint proposals under FP6 / FP7
Bucharest General information on the Sixth Framework Programme : Information on research programmes and projects : INCO infodesk and infopoint: International Scientific Cooperation Policy: Information requests: Further Information
Bucharest … In support to EU enlargement and integration, the JRC aims at promoting the integration of New Member States' organisations and researchers in its activities in particular on the implementation of the S&T components of the EU acquis, as well as an increased cooperation with those from Candidate Countries. A progressive opening is also envisaged towards the Neighbouring Countries, specifically on priority topics of the European Neighbourhood Policy… JRC Specific Programme Proposal for FP7
Bucharest European Neighbourhood Policy The objective of ENP is to share the benefits of enlargement with neighbouring countries and strengthen stability, security and prosperity Distinct from the issue of potential membership Privileged relationship build on mutual commitment to common values (Democracy, Human Rights, Market economy, Sustainable development) Economic cooperation include trade, aspects of internal market policies, energy, transport, information society, environment, research and innovation, social policy…
Bucharest Which countries already have ENP Action Plans ? ENP Partner Countries Contractual relation Country ReportAction Plan AlgeriaAA Under development– ArmeniaPCA March 05Under development AzerbaijanPCA March 05Under development EgyptAA March 05Under development GeorgiaPCA March 05Under development IsraelAA May 04Adopted 2005 JordanAA May 04Adopted 2005 LebanonAA – imminentMarch 05Under development MoldovaPCA – 1998May 04Adopted 2005 MoroccoAA – 2000May 04Adopted 2005 Palestinian Authority Interim AA – 1997May 04Adopted 2005 TunisiaAA – 1998May 04Adopted 2005 UkrainePCA – 1998May 04Adopted 2005
Bucharest Gateway: At the JRC institutes: IPSC IES IHCP IPTS EI IRMM ITU JRC, Brussels: JRC contacts: whom to contact, where? Romanian NCP
Bucharest Thank You for Your Support !!! (old) EU Member State (new) EU Member States (integration) Acceding Country Candidate Country Potential Candidate Country EFTA Country Partnership Agreement European Neighbouring Country