Behavior Intervention Plan By XXXXXXXX
Student Description 13 year old African American male Only child Father killed in motorcycle crash February 2003 Attended traditional magnets A’s & B’s on grade cards Exemplary on State Assessment until 2008
Outcome Analysis Worksheet Comes to class directly after lunch recess Talks to friends even when on other side of the room Makes noises when doing seat work Talks without being recognized
Data, Recording of Behavior Talks out 55 times during observation week. Talks more at the beginning of class than at later times. Consistently talking 2/3 of the time.
Intervention AL will raise his hand before speaking. AL will do seat work quietly. Rewards 10 minutes to talk at end of class Extra reading time in reading area Earn a homework pass for the class
Moved to isolation at teacher request Moved to isolation at student’s request Retraining of classroom behavior during lunch recess.
Data/Recording Behavior II Week 1 – 12 incidents but one day incident free. Week 2 – Three days with no incidents, one on one day and two on another. Week 3 – 12 incidents, two retraining sessions and isolated twice by teacher Week 4 – 5 incidents
Adjustments Allowed AL to earn a homework pass for the class during week 2. AL gave up lunch recess to discuss reward plan and impossible goal of a perfect week. Teacher allowed no more than four incidents in a week to earn homework pass for class.
Results Pre-intervention behavior 55 incidents a week. Post-intervention behavior 3 to 12 incidents a week. Will continue with plan and then wean from the reward system. AL now having problems in other classes.
Working with team to develop positive intervention plan instead of detentions and office referrals. Working with family to find community services for local positive male influence.