Open Source ILS: Preparing Your Data Carol Love
Choosing Open Source: Make Your Own Set of Tools Your library’s characteristics –Type, patrons, collections, branches Open source software features –Some traditional ILS features –Some new with open source Support from within the library, or outside –Your own IT staff –Open source support vendor
Open Source Players and Products
Implementing the Software: Bibliographic Database Decisions Migrate a substandard database –Brief Record Upgrade Create an entire database from scratch (or add a collection not yet in the catalog) –Retrospective Conversion
Implementing the Software: More Database Decisions Correct names and subject headings –Authorities Processing Add content to help retrieval –TOC, Fiction/Biography, Summaries –Accelerated Reader, Lexile, Reading Counts Create smart barcode labels
Case Study: Gunston Hall and George Washington’s Mt. Vernon No existing catalog, limited number of staff –General collection plus manuscripts, deeds, personal papers, genealogy architecture, rare books –Web access, multiple formats, date- format call numbers, display of notes Decision to use Koha with PTFS support because of flexibility, scale, and cost
Sneak peek at Gunston Hall and George Washington’s Mt. Vernon Libraries Catalog Types and locations
Extensive notes were keyed as part of MARCIVE retrospective conversion
Advice: Quality of Data Reflected in System Authorities processing is critical. Currently, open source systems lack authority control. –Keyword searching dependent on correct, current terms. –Authority records built from headings. Up-to-date coding allows features to function correctly. Current data fields. Content accessed by keyword search. More content means more discovery.
Know What You Need and Ask For It Functionality to fit your situation Clean, consistent, content-rich data to load into open source system Result: Patrons experience increased satisfaction with search results in new system.
Make the Most of Your New Open Source System with Better Data Contact MARCIVE for database evaluation detailed information pricing