Jomo Kenyatta
When was Kenyatta born? He was born in Ng’enda in the Gatundu Division of Kiambu in 1889.
What started Kenyatta’s career in politics? 1925: He was one of the leaders of the KCA (Kikuyu Central Association) which chose him to represent the Kikuyu Land problems before commission in Nailobi
When and why did he first go to England? In 1929, he first went to London to protest colonial policy, but authorities refused to meet with him.
What made Kenyatta so angry in 1933? He got so angry because when he went to Moscow to learn Economics, he was forced to return to Britain.
What did Kenyatta do during WWII? What did he take part in while in England? He published his seminal work, Facing Mount Kenya, which praised traditional Kikuyu society and discussed its plight under colonial rule. During World War II, he lived in England, lecturing and writing
What happened on October 20, 1952? Sir Evelyn, Baring newly appointed Governor of Kenya for two weeks, declared a state of emergency in the country. He and other prominent leaders were arrested.
What happened on October 28, 1961? He became president of Kenya Africa National Union.
When did he become prime minister? June 1, 1963
When did he become President? When did Kenya become a republic? On December 12, 1963, Kenya celebrated its independence, and Kenyatta formally became prime minister. The next year, a new constitution established Kenya as a republic, and Kenyatta was elected president.
What did people think of him as a leader and politician? People liked him and thought of him as a good politician. He was the “George Washington” of Kenya.
By: Allison Mark Andrea Carly Dakota Matt