How To Do An Oral Presentation For The McNair Scholars Program John Q. Public and James M. Faculty, Ph.D. McNair Scholars Program Some Department University of North Texas Denton, Texas
Introduction Overview of topic What has occurred historically List a few names of individuals who have made their mark in this area Compare and contrast results of other studies Define key words and phrases The above is not an inclusive list – do what you need to do to introduce your topic. Use as many slides as needed to complete introduction
Introduction (continued) Example George Washington - first president of the United States Most remarkable moment – cherry tree incident Most famous quote – “I can not tell a lie” *Try not to use full sentences if possible – bullets are for major points *
Introduction (continued) Example Abraham Lincoln Most famous childhood experience – reading by lamplight Most famous quote – “Man must be free” *Try not to use full sentences if possible – bullets are for major points *
Research Question (or) Hypothesis (or) Purpose Of Study Example: This research will determine the impact of childhood experiences on presidential re-election.
Materials And Methods Example 3 biographies/president were examined (texts listed on the Reputable Biography Listing) Information concerning experiences b/w ages 4 and 12 were recorded Experiences were defined by the authors as either types I (low impact – mentioned 1X), II (medium impact – mentioned > 2X), or III (high impact – mention < 2X)
Materials And Methods Example Percentages of experience type/president were calculated If applicable, list all of the statistical wizardry you plan to utilize to include packages (SPSS, SAS, etc.) and the tests you performed (ANOVAs, MANOVAs, T-Tests, Chi-square, etc.) OR Types of databases OR Whatever applies to your research and is a method or material. NO RESULTS OR FINDINGS SHOULD BE IN THIS SECTION
Results Example President Washington - 1 low impact-LIE-(4%), 2 (6%) medium impact-MIE, and 18 high impact experiences-HIE (80%) President Lincoln – 4 low impact (%), 1 medium impact (%), 220 high impact experiences (%) List you results and only results(discuss in the discussion section unless results and discussion need to go together)
Discussion Example President Washington – was not re-elected to a second term. President Lincoln – was not re-elected to a second term, due to assassination, but it appears that he would have been due to the high number of HIE Jones stated that HIE positively influenced re-election efforts Discuss your results in light of the other literature you presented in the introduction
Conclusions Example In this preliminary study, HIE appears to have influence in the re-election of presidents. Further study is indicated by these results.
Acknowledgments Dr. John Doe McNair Scholars Program Any other person you feel you need to personally acknowledge