Human Rights– Basic freedoms and rights, such as freedom of speech, that all people should enjoy Exile - Being forced to live outside one’s country for.


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Presentation transcript:

Human Rights– Basic freedoms and rights, such as freedom of speech, that all people should enjoy Exile - Being forced to live outside one’s country for political reasons 21-1 Vocabulary

Intensive Agriculture– Kind of farming that involves growing crops on every available piece of usable land Trade Deficit - Situation that occurs when the value of a country’s imports is higher than the value of its exports Tatami – Straw mats that are traditionally used to cover floors in Japan Kimono- Traditional Japanese clothing; a long robe, usually made of silk, with an open neck and large sleeves held in place by a wide sash Anime - Japanese style of animation that arose in the late 1900’s and appears in comic books and cartoons 21-2 Vocabulary

Celadon – Highly prized style of pottery that has a greenish tint Hangul - Writing system developed in the 1400’s to write the Korean language in which characters represent sounds rather than ideas Demilitarized Zone – Area in which neighboring countries agree not to place any soldiers or weapons Land Reform - Policy of South Korean government that broke large estates into smaller family farms and provided fertilizer for farmers 21-3 Vocabulary

Chapter Notes 21-1 (East Asia Today) I.China’s Government and Society A.The Chinese Communist Party controls the _____________. B.Leaders are not ________ by the people, they gain control through the communist party. C.The government keeps tight control of the people and denies individual _________. People who criticized are punished. D.In 1989, 100,000 students protested peacefully at _____________ Square which were met w/force by the government. E.Other countries have ________ China’s restriction of human rights. F.In 1950, China took over ________ forcing its Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama to flee to India. G._____% of China’s people live in rural areas, though many are migrating to the cities. (100 cities have more than 1 million) government elected rights Tiananmen protested Tibet 65

II.Economic Changes in China A.Chinese government made free market reforms in the 1970’s. People can choose their __________ and keep profits. B.It now has one of the ________ growing economies though people living in the rural areas remain poor. C.Farm output has risen, but only 10% of the land can be ________. (leaders in rice, tea, and wheat) D.Its environment has also suffered from its growth. _____ is burned for fuel causing air pollution. III.China’s Neighbors – Mongolia and Taiwan have close ties. A.________ is an island that was once a province of China that is still under China’s rule today. It has a strong industrial economy. B.___________ is a landlocked country nicknamed “Texas of Asia” because of its herding. In 1990, it replaced its communist system. jobs fastest farmed Coal Taiwan Mongolia

Chapter Notes 21-2 (Japan) I.Japan’s Government and Economy A. It include thousands of ________ w/ the 4 largest being Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. B._________, the capital, lies on the island of Honshu. C.It’s a democratic ____________ monarchy w/the emperor as the head of state. D.Voters elect members to legislature called the _______, the prime minister leads the government. E.An ____________ giant, its economy is based on exports. (cars, ships, and electronics) It has to import its raw materials. F.Because of its farmland being _________, they practice intensive cultivation. Rice is the chief crop. islands Tokyo constitutional Diet industrial limited

G.Government passed ______ making it difficult for other countries to sell their products in Japan. H.Economic competitors, aging population, low birthrate, acid rain and ___________ are challenges Japan faces today. IV.Life in Japan – much is covered with mountains. A.Most live in _______ on coastal plains. (35 million live in Tokyo) B.They have adapted to their _______ space and have increases their land by adding dirt to the shoreline. C.The 2 main religions are ________ (nature, love for simple things, and good manners) and Buddhism (nature and inner peace). D.The Japanese practice _______, an ancient form of wrestling and martial arts of judo and kendo. E.People eat ________ served w/ meat, fish, and vegetables though they have borrowed many western traditions. laws earthquakes cities limited Shinto sumo rice

Chapter Notes 21-3 (The Koreas) I.A Divided Country - The _________ Peninsula juts from northern China. The culture has been heavily influenced by China. A.Koreans created a form if writing called _______ that allow them to unify and independent for centuries. B.In 1910, ________ conquered Korea and governed it until WWII. C.After WWII, communists ________ Union took over the northern half which was divided by the 38th parallel. (DMZ) D. In 1950, N. Korea attacked _________, but was protected by the U.S. in which no victor was declared. II.South Korea – had to ________ its economy after the Korean War. A.It introduced _________ reform, that broke up large estates into smaller family farms making them more productive. B. It became an _________ country improving their standard of life. Korean hangul Japan Soviet S. Korea rebuild land industrial

C.80% live in cities, _________ (capital), hosts 10 million. D.1/3 of the people are under ______ and its population is growing slowly. E.__________, Buddhism, and Confucianism are its major religions. III.North Korea – has been ruled by _________ dictators since A.Kim _________ II is the current dictator and puts the needs of communism above his people. B._________ controls all areas of life and people have few freedoms. C.N. Korea is economically poor and invests most into its _________. D.N. Korean _______ lack land and are controlled by the government and forced to give its food to them. E.The government is refusing _______ aid and as a result people are starving to death. Seoul 30 Christianity communist Jong Government military farms food

Why The A-Bomb Was Dropped Why Truman used it.Why not to use it.

Why The A-Bomb Was Dropped Why Truman used it? Millions of American lives would be saved Pearl Harbor Demonstrate its power to the world Speedy end to the war Part of total war Japan’s leaders refusal to surrender Did not want the Russians to enter the war Why not to use it? Killing innocent victims without warning Bombings as war crimes (Holocaust) Modify the “unconditional surrender” Wait for the Russians to enter the war Beginning of an “arms race” Militarily unnecessary