Ms. Uykimpang Speech and Debate Thursday, August 15
You will be given a number to find your seat. Please fill out the index card with the information outlined on the board.
Teacher Survey Don’t worry about trying to get everything right – make your best guess.
Teacher Survey #1 I am a first generation Filipino American. I was born in Los Angeles, California. I grew up in Fontana and have lived there for most of my life.
Teacher Survey #2 My mom is a nurse. My dad has since passed away, but he worked in IT (computers) when he was alive. I’m the first teacher in the family!
Teacher Survey #3 I have 1 brother and 1 sister. I’m the oldest child.
Teacher Survey #4 I went to Kaiser High School in Fontana, and UCLA for my undergraduate education. I am currently a graduate student at CGU (Claremont Graduate University) for my masters.
Teacher Survey #5 I drive the same old Honda Civic that I drove in high school (working on getting a better car next year!)
Teacher Survey #6 Some of my hobbies include cooking, watching drama TV shows, and reading (surprise, surprise.)
Teacher Survey #7 I’ve been a Lakers fan since I was practically born. Looking forward to better season this year…
Teacher Survey #8 I have a 3 year old Rottweiler named J.lo (cause she has a big butt.)
Teacher Survey #9 I’ve been teaching for 7 years: 6 years teaching ESL to adults (including one year abroad in Japan) and 1 year teaching 7 th grade. I have also tutored high school students and TA’ed for elementary.
Teacher Survey #10 I promise to be a caring, understanding, and FAIR teacher for you all. But also know that I have high expectations for you all to do the best that you can. I will not hesitate to do everything I can to make sure you do well!
Get with the partner who matches your card. Once you find each other, ask him/her the following interview questions (you can write it down if you think you won’t remember.) 1. Name? 2. Where were you born/Where did you grow up? 3. How many people are there in your family? 4. What are two of your favorite hobbies? 5. Something unique about them
Classroom Scavenger Hunt Work with a partner to answer the questions on the sheet. Use your syllabus and information around the classroom to help you.
Closure: Write a short letter to me introducing yourself. What do I need to know about you and how you learn best? Do you have any anxieties or concerns about being in this elective? How can I make your time here easier?
Homework Bring syllabus back signed. Bring a spiral notebook (one with more than 100 pages) for use in this class.