WHEN George Washington was born February 22,1732 George Washington died on December 14,1799
FACT George Washington was married to Martha Dandridge Custis in 1759 they had no children together, but Washington adopted Martha’s children John and Martha... George Washington is also known like the first president
WHEN WAS HE ON THE DOLLAR George Washington was on the dollar in years after the bill was put into print the average dollar bill’s lifespan is just 18 months due to heavy wear and tear.
WHERE He was born in Westmoreland County,Virginia and he died in Mount Vernon, Virginia
WHEN WAS HE ON THE QUARTER In 1924 congress created the U.S. George Washington Bicentennial commission and voted to mint a Washington quarter celebrate the 200 th anniversary of his birth.
SOURCES sheet/wp/2013/02/17/which-presidents-are-on- your-money/ your-money
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