1 Cataract Surgery Stephen G. Slade MD, FACS
2 Financial Disclosure Alcon, AMO, B&L Consultant, Clarity, NuLens, RVO, Technolas 2 This presentation represents the speaker’s professional experience.
3 18,900,000 Global Procedures ,900,000 Global Procedures ,261,000 US Procedures3,261,000 US Procedures 900 million US Equipment and Packs900 million US Equipment and Packs 85 million US Presbyopes85 million US Presbyopes 72% with 0.5 D or greater Astigmatism72% with 0.5 D or greater Astigmatism US Cataract Market Medicare, Marketscope
4 US Eye Surgeons Cataract Only Surgeons 4,990 Refractive Only 1,350 Cataract / Refractive Surgeons 2,260 Total 8,600 Marketscope Surveys
6 Is Cataract Surgery Effective Enough? 20/40 or better 20/40 or better 20/20 or better 20/20 or better 20/40 and J3 or better 20/40 and J3 or better 20/25 and J1 or better 20/25 and J1 or better 75% 100% 85% 35% * Adapted from FDA clinical data for Crystalens and Wavelight Trials Wavelight FDA Trial, Myopia Astigmatism. Crystalens AT 45 FDA Only 6.4% penetration rate Visual Outcomes less than LASIK No safety improvement Surgeon confidence lower Only 6.4% penetration rate Visual Outcomes less than LASIK No safety improvement Surgeon confidence lower
7 Medicare vs Private Pay 7 Source: 2007 Medicare Data 66% Medicare 22% Non Medicare 12% Medicare Managed Care
8 US Surgeries by Ownership Physician Owned ASC 60.6% Corporate Owned ASC 17.1% Hospital Owned ASC 22.3% Source MarketScope
9 Cataract Surgeons by Volume % % % > % < % % Source MarketScope
10 What percentage of your eligible patients elected to receive premium IOLs in the past 3 months? A. 0% to 10% B. 11% to 20% C. 21% to 30% D. Greater than 30% Question #1
11 What premium lens is your lens of choice for your patients? A. Crystalens 5.0 B. Crystalens HD C. Crystalens AO D. Acrysof ReSTOR IOL (+3.0D) E. Tecnis MF F. AcrySof Toric G. Other H. None, I prefer monofocal IOLs Question #2
12 What is the most important distance to be on target for in the Premium Channel? A. Distance B. Intermediate C. Near Question #3
13 If it was your own eye, which lens would you select? A. AcrySof Toric IOL B. Tecnis Multifocal IOL C. Crystalens 5.0 D. Crystalens HD E. Crystalens AO F. AcrySof ReSTOR IOL (+3.0) Question #4