Table 2.1.1: Number of Cornea Transplantation and Transplant Rate per million population (pmp), Year No. of new transplants New transplant rate pmp Figure 2.1.1: New transplant rate, New transplant rate, pmp Year
Table 2.1.2: Types of Cornea Transplant, Year1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1506) No.% % % % % % % % % % Penetrating Keratoplasty Lamellar Keratoplasty Patch Graft for Corneal Patch Graft for Sclera Cornea Scleral Keratopalsty No data Table 2.2.1: Distribution of Patients by Gender, Year 1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1505) GenderNo.% % % % % % % % % % Male Female
Table 2.2.2: Distribution of Patients by Ethnic Group, Year 1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1506) Ethnic group No.% % % % % % % % % % Malay Chinese Indian Bumiputra Sabah Bumiputra Sarawak Others No data *Others: Non Malaysian
Table 2.2.3: Distribution of Patients by Age, Year 1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1506) Age group (years) No.% % % % % % % % % % ≥ Mean SD Median Minimum4 months52 months5 months1 2 months Maximum Age=date transplant-date birth; age if provided
Table 2.2.4: Primary Diagnosis, Year 1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) TOTAL (N=1506) Primary Diagnosis No. % % % % % % % % % % Keratoconus Corneal scar Microbial keratitis Microbial keratitis+Cornea perforation Corneal perforation (non microbial) Pseudophakic Bullous keratopathy Other (non psedophakic) bullous keratopathy Failed previous graft Corneal dystrophy Congenital opacity Others No data *1377 patients have 1 primary diagnosis, 119 have 2 primary diagnoses, 5 patients had 3 diagnoses, and 1 patient had 4 diagnoses
Table 2.2.5: Indications for Cornea Transplant, (N = 184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) Total (N =550) Indication for transplant No. % % % % Optical Tectonic Therapeutic Tectonic + Therapeutic Optical + Tectonic Optical + Tectonic + Therapeutic Optical + Therapeutic Optical + Others Others No data Table : Number of cornea transplants with complete data set Total No. % % % % Total number of cornea transplantations performed No. of cornea transplantations with complete data set
Table : Number of Cornea Transplants with Complete Data Set Total No. % % % % Total number of cornea transplantations performed No. of cornea transplantations with complete data set Table : No of Previous Grafts in Grafted Eye, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Graft Number No. % % % %
Table : Ocular Co-morbidity, (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) Total (N=504) Ocular co-morbidity No. % % % % Any ocular co-morbidity (a to c below) a) Superficial cornea vascularisation b) Deep cornea vascularisation c) History of glaucoma d) Current ocular inflammation *Patient might have multiple ocular co-morbidities
Table : Pre-operative vision, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Unaided VA No. % % % % 6/ / / / / / / / / / / / CF HM PL NPL Others No data
Table : Source of Donor Cornea Tissue, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Source of donor No. % % % % Local USA Sri Lanka Others00002*120 No data If Local, ethnic group: Malay Chinese Indian Others No data *Others (specify): Taiwanese Chinese
Figure : Source of Donor Corneal Tissue, Percentage (%) Year Local USA Sri Lanka
Table : Distribution of Donors by Age Group, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Age, years No.% % % % ≥ Mean SD Median Minimum 8363 Maximum Table : Preservation Media, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Preservation mediaNo.% % % % Optisol GS MK Medium Moist Chamber Others001*00010 No data *Others (specify): Eusol-C
Figure : Preservation Media, Percentage (%) Year Optisol GS MK Medium Moist Chamber
Table : Cause of Death in Cornea Donors, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Cause of deathNo.% % % % Cardiac / Circulatory System Cerebrovascular System Malignancy Trauma / Accident Respiratory System Others No data Table : Distribution of Patients by Type of Surgery, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Type of surgeryNo.% % % % Penetrating Keratoplasty Lamellar Keratoplasty Patch graft for cornea Patch graft for sclera Cornea Scleral Lamellar Keratoplasty
Table : Type of Combined Surgery, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Combined surgery No.% % % % No. of patients with combined surgery (a) Glaucoma surgery (b) Cataract Extraction (c ) IOL (d) Cataract extraction and IOL (e) Retinal Surgery + Internal Tamponade (f) Anterior vitrectomy (g) Others *Patients may have more than one combined surgery
Table : Recipient Cornea Trephine Size, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Graft size, mmNo.% % % % No data Mean SD 1 Median 7.5 Minimum 2 Maximum 10
Table : Difference in Trephined Sizes of Recipient and Donor Corneas, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Difference in Graft size, mmNo.% % % % Same size Not available Table : Suture Technique, (N=138)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=174)Total (N=504) Suture TechniqueNo.% % % % Interrupted only Continuous only Combined No data