EXPERIENCES FROM THE EROC PROJECT Mrs. Marjatta Eväsoja Culture Director Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia, Finland
South Ostrobothnia The Region of South Ostrobothnia is situated in the Province of Western Finland Population: Land area: km² Distances: Seinäjoki - Helsinki 357 km: by airplane 50 min by train 2 h 40 min Helsinki
Entrepreneurship means subsistence South Otsrobothnia is well known for its entrepreneurship and the exceptionally large number of small and medium size enterprises. Entrepreneurship is the key resource for the development of the region. The strong clusters relate to the food, metal, technology industries as well as to the wood product industry. In the future, the entrepreneurial region will invest in particular in the development of entrepreneurship in the welfare, service sectors and the creative industry.
The Aalto Centre – the pride of Seinäjoki
Culture South Ostrobothnia has a recognizably cultural identity of its own. South Otsrobothnia is the most Finnish speaking region in the world. South Ostrobothnian festivals, music, arts- and handicrafts, folk art, folklore, architecture and entrepreneurship provide a steady basis for the vibrancy of the cultural life of the region in the 21st century. Cultural Strategy of South Ostrobothnia 2010–2013 Our vision: Cultural-wise competitive and prosperous South Ostrobothnia Three main themes: 1. Well-being from culture 2. Business from culture 3. Attraction from culture
Course of life Traditionally, the South Ostrobothnian character has been associated with outspokenness, diligence, uprightness and courage. The South Ostrobothnian of today recognises their roots. In the recent years, interaction in the region has been enriched, as more and more new inhabitants have moved to the region from other areas of Finland and abroad. The goal is to make internationalisation part of everyday life in the entire region.
Tangomarkkinat – Seinäjoki Tango Festival European Regions of Culture Represents the first step in a long term campaign to create a new scheme harnessing the contribution of rural cultures to Europe A new EROC network of which all partners will be founder members EROC designation in EU Create an evidence base for future lobbying in favour of the EROC idea
Tangomarkkinat – Seinäjoki Tango Festival The EROC Project – Budget EU Culture programme 2007–2013 Strand Three partners Cornwall County Council, GB (lead partner) Kujawski-Pomorskie region, PL South Ostrobothnia region FI
Tangomarkkinat – Seinäjoki Tango Festival EROC & partnership EROC team A series of 3 cultural events (Lapua 08/2009) -cultural actors, officials, politicians -youth delegation -offered a platform for better joint working EROC network of 40+ regions Permanent network for developing regional culture in the future -knowhow for utilizing EU funding -stimulate further international partnerships -create a more than the sum of the parts effect
Tangomarkkinat – Seinäjoki Tango Festival EROC & art Artist Residency: 9 artists -SO: a theatre actor, a painter, a textile designer -New perspectives, collaboration, connections -Experience and courage to future collaboration Art defining us -gave opportunity for the regions to consider its cultural narrative -engaged their sector in helping tell the story Art as an experimental field for innovating -breaking boundaries -serves as a common language
Tangomarkkinat – Seinäjoki Tango Festival EROC & identity The growing importance of a strong sense of place and identity for people Culture offers a shared narrative: roots Culture can play a key role in development -Way to make regions/countries/Baltic Sea region attractive for people and business Culture & strong sense of identity serve as advantages for rural areas - making positive effects for social cohesion, wellbeing etc. more visible and acknowledged
Tangomarkkinat – Seinäjoki Tango Festival EROC & legacy EROC 2 -project 2011–2016 -EROC designation -EROC celebration year stimulate parallel project Commitment to change through cultural development -In the Regional Council of SO since 1990s -Cultural strategies for regions and municipalities International cultural cooperation as a mirror for regional development
Tangomarkkinat – Seinäjoki Tango Festival RESULTS / GOALS *EMPOWERMENT -of the people -of the culture -of the cities and municipalities -of the regions Empowerment of the European interaction
Welcome to South Ostrobothnia! Thank You!