Are You Connected?
Using McGraw-Hill digital products to improve your performance The specific resources available for this course and how they will improve your grade Where to purchase your course materials How to Earn a Better Grade in this Course
What Connect Means to YOU Average Course Grades C+ B+ Helps you manage your time most effectively Works with you to customize a plan for achieving greater performance Provides feedback and analysis to support your learning needs
Improved Performance with Connect Students who use Connect are: more successful in the course and receive higher grades than their peers not using Connect.
LearnSmart is a proven adaptive learning program to help you learn faster, study more efficiently and retain more knowledge. What LearnSmart Means to You?
Students who use LearnSmart: receive higher grades and spend less time studying than their peers not using LearnSmart. Improved Performance with LearnSmart
Tu mundo – Irvine Valley Custom edition 1e Connect Plus for Tu mundo [Class URL] Your required materials…
Visit your campus bookstore for best pricing on print + digital: Print Text + Connect Plus – special package discount. Includes everything within Connect Plus and the printed textbook Go Fully Digital Connect Plus – lowest price – no print book. All digital, includes the Connect eBook and access to assignments Connnect Plus codes for all languages are good for up to 24 months so if you continue with Span 2 next semester or next year, you can continue to use this text and Connect Plus. You have choices!
1.Go the web address provided by your Instructor. 2.Click the “Register Now” Button. 3.Enter your address. 4.Enter your access code, select “Buy Online”, or you can “Start Free Trial” if you don’t have an access code. 5.Complete the registration form, click “Submit” Get started in 5 easy steps.
YOU learn faster and more efficiently YOU get the help you need, when you need it YOU learn more, and earn higher grades The results:
All Product Related Questions: (800) Sun: 4pm-9pm pacific time Mon-Thurs: 6am-9pm pacific time Friday 6am-4pm pacific time Call support with any questions. Only contact instructor AFTER you have called and have received a case number from support. Where to Find Help…