Czech Republic Postgraduate studies in orthopedics
Historically - before 1989 Leading institution Institute of postgraduate studies directed by the Ministry of Health with a statute of University Exam 1 st degree after 3 years - compulsory – specialization 2 nd degree 5 years after 1 st degree – voluntary – full specialization Committee for exam Heads of clinics and departments, representative of Czech orthopedic society, representative of unions Certification of specialization Diploma of exam – czech Ministry of health
Historically - after 1989 Leading institution Institute of postgraduate studies directed by the Ministry of Health with a statute of University Exam 1 st degree after 3 years - compulsory – specialization 2 nd degree 5 years after 1 st degree – voluntary – full specialization only one degree after 5 years – full specialization full specialization also 1 st degree and 5 years in medical practice – certification by Czech medical chamber Committee for exam Heads of clinics and departments, representative of Czech orthopedic society, representative Czech medical chamber Certification of specialization License from Czech medical chamber
Minimal requirements Set by Czech orthopedic society and approved by Czech Ministry of health
Intermittent changes By a directive Minister of health Mr. David Rath enabled himself to give specialization diplomas to some of “his friends” doctors working at the administration who did not pass any exams and did not fulfill the minimal requirements. Luckily not in orthopedics Czech medical chamber is trying to get a law that medical education, exams and diplomas will be organized and decided by the Czech medical chamber Ministry of education is trying to get approval to organize full postgraduate education through Medical schools on Universities
Present From 1 st January 2010 new law for postgraduate education and licensing. General surgical round of 2 years and then specialization education Decision for minimal requirements – only on administrative personal of Ministry of health Trying to shorten the period for specialization training to 24 month only.
Further plans Any head of department could certify any of his doctors as fully specialized. Why? – because he is also fully specialized