Robotic Surgery Status Quo + Development Martin Kaloš Czech Society for Robotic Surgery 3rd of December 2012 Almaty
Czech Society of Robotic Surgery
da Vinci ® Si HD
S Model Updates Si Model Updates 3D HD Vision (720p) Multi-quadrant access Interactive video displays Enhanced HD Vision (1080i) Dual Console option Upgradable architecture 3D Vision EndoWrist Instrumentation Intuitive ® Motion Core Technology Rev A 4/
Current Development da Vinci ® Si™ Firefly™ Fluorescence Imaging Skills ® Simulator™ Advanced Instrumentation* Single-Site™ *EndoWrist Stapler is pending 510(k) clearance Rev A 4/12
Single Site Surgery: Open Surgery Single Incision Laparoscopy Laparoscopic Surgery PN Rev A 11/11 Single-Site™ Instrumentation has CE Mark and is FDA-cleared for cholecystectomy.
da Vinci TM Single Site SCOPE
da Vinci TM Single Site
New Instruments
Fluorescence Excitation laser light from illuminator Return signal from fluorescing ICG
Identify vessels during IMA / IMV dissection Assess perfusion of large bowel prior to transection Assess perfusion of rectal stump prior to transection Fluorescence
Installations worldwide: – 389 v Europe – USA – 245 Rest of the World
Installments – World Data
Procedures – World Data
Abdominal Surgery Thoracic Surgery General surgery Vascular Surgery Gynecology Lung Surgery UROLOGY Cardiosurgery ENT ThyreidoctomyTongue Base CA
Indications – World Data
Indications – Czech data
Adoption curve: Q2 2009
Adoption curve: : Q2 2010
Adoption curve: : Q2 2011
Urology Most Frequent 1.daVinci Radical Prostatectomy 2.daVinci Partial Nephrectomy
daVinci Prostatectomy Results
Oncological effects of Robotic Surgery Positive margins Robotic x Laparo x Open
1.dVH : da Vinci Hysterectomy 2.dVSC : da Vinci Sacrocolpopexis 3.dVM : da Vinci Myomektomie Gynecology Most Frequent
daVinci Hysterectomy Results
General Surgery Most Frequent 1.dV LAR : da Vinci Low Anterior Resection 2.dVTh : da Vinci Thyreoidectomy
robotic Versus Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection of Rectal Cancer: Short-Term Outcome of a Prospective Comparative Study* from Dr. Baik. Department of Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Annals of Surgical Oncology *Baik, et al. robotic Versus Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection of Rectal Cancer: Short-Term Outcome of a Prospective Comparative Stud. Ann Surg Oncol DOI /s Da Vinci Low Anterior Resection (Baik)
Other 1.ENT – Transoral 2.Cardiac 3.Lung
Thank you !