1Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconomic statistics International conference on international outreach and coordination in national accounts for sustainable growth and development Session 4 – Institutional capacity building in countries Economic statistics in South Africa
2Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconomic statistics Statistics South Africa Official statistics; Statistics Act 170 publications (monthly, quarterly, annual, periodic) NA: GDP (prod, inc); SUT; SAM; TSA; EEA; GFS Role players Other Department of Agriculture Department of Minerals and Energy South African Revenue Service South African Reserve Bank Reputation provides stature to statistics NA: GDP (exp); IEA; BOP; Financial accounts; GFS
3Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconomic statistics Memorandum of understanding Statistics on SNA93 & GFS Meet international obligations – SDDS Training & development of staff Data quality assurance – SASQAF certification an option Mutual dependence on source data Relationship GDP estimates Statistical discrepancy in GDPexp Annual reconciliation in SU-framework, discrepancy remains
4Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconomic statistics Gaps and improvements Agriculture: Stats SA = periodic; Dept Agriculture Mining: Admin records from Dept of Minerals Financial sector => SARB Foreign trade: SARB = BOP; SARS = X & M goods Short term data on tertiary sector Improvements to business register Economic statistics Risks Quality checks; SASQAF not widely implemented Sustainability when statistics are not core function Data confrontation/harmonisation may be problematic on lower levels
5Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconomic statistics Advantages for national accounts Larger pool of experts, different point of view and perspectives Staff retention in civil service poor Economic statistics Future challenges Documentation and evaluation Improve quality of outputs Common understanding of sources and methods User group: Engage regularly and productively Insufficiently skilled resources to maximise benefits
6Preferred supplier of quality statisticsEconomic statistics Thank you for your time J de Beer