God’s spirit is on the move new types of churches and new types of ministers are emerging church leaders are encouraging them discussion is underway on contemporary missiology and ecclesiology God’s spirit is on the move new types of churches and new types of ministers are emerging church leaders are encouraging them discussion is underway on contemporary missiology and ecclesiology all around the country
some examples
Download the video showing examples of fresh expressions from: owerPoints/examplesoffreshexpressions.wmv Report broken link to:
strong mission focus re-imagining church commitment to mixed economy strong mission focus re-imagining church commitment to mixed economy
a fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church Blackburn missional – serving people outside church incarnational – listening to people and entering their culture formational – making discipleship a priority ecclesial – forming church missional – serving people outside church incarnational – listening to people and entering their culture formational – making discipleship a priority ecclesial – forming church
what a fresh expression isn’t what a fresh expression isn’t
Download the video cartoon showing what fresh expressions are not from: owerPoints/medievalcartoon.wmv Report broken link to: what a fresh expression isn’t what a fresh expression isn’t
attractional model eg. Back to Church Sunday come and join us
engaged model eg. Hope 08 see us and like us
emerging model eg. Fresh Expressions go and then stay
2001: 72% claim to be Christian 2006: 47% ‘belonged’ to the Christian faith 1990: 50% of all children baptised 2006: 40% of all children baptised 1980: 99,000 confirmed 2007: 28,000 confirmed 2001: 72% claim to be Christian 2006: 47% ‘belonged’ to the Christian faith 1990: 50% of all children baptised 2006: 40% of all children baptised 1980: 99,000 confirmed 2007: 28,000 confirmed
1976: 63% of those confirmed were aged : 37% of those confirmed were aged % of churches have no year olds in their congregations 59% have no year olds 1976: 63% of those confirmed were aged : 37% of those confirmed were aged % of churches have no year olds in their congregations 59% have no year olds
Between 1998 and 2005 number of year olds fell by 11% number of year olds fell by 27% number of year olds fell by 29% Between 1998 and 2005 number of year olds fell by 11% number of year olds fell by 27% number of year olds fell by 29%
churchgoers 26% open 6% closed 59% other 9% nationally
over 60% of the population has no real church contact they are from diverse cultures over 60% of the population has no real church contact they are from diverse cultures nationally
what do people know about church? Preston
Download the video of vox pops recorded in Preston from: owerPoints/prestonvoxpops.wmv Report broken link to:
need for joined up strategy involving mission, ministry and finance need to work ecumenically (FEASTS) need for tough resourcing decisions need for joined up strategy involving mission, ministry and finance need to work ecumenically (FEASTS) need for tough resourcing decisions mission shaped diocese?
all-age after school service all-age after school service youth congregation weekly communion small new- housing community cell network mission shaped deaneries? increasing ‘episcopal’ role for area dean
nationally Pioneer ministry – lay and ordained Bishops’ Mission Orders Continued thinking about ecclesiology Pioneer ministry – lay and ordained Bishops’ Mission Orders Continued thinking about ecclesiology
no standard model long-term incarnational mission and ministry among the majority group who have never been part of church no standard model long-term incarnational mission and ministry among the majority group who have never been part of church moving forward
many lay-led fresh expressions of church alongside more traditional models strategic selection, training and deployment of lay and ordained pioneer ministers many lay-led fresh expressions of church alongside more traditional models strategic selection, training and deployment of lay and ordained pioneer ministers moving forward
church midweek school residential home continuing from an Alpha course etc church midweek school residential home continuing from an Alpha course etc Some easy first steps mission shaped diocese?
church for those with serious problems church in hard to reach places church which will take years to develop church for those with serious problems church in hard to reach places church which will take years to develop Blackburn Some more difficult possibilities Some more difficult possibilities
Blackburn ‘long haul’ church ++Rowan ‘long haul’ church ++Rowan no quick fixes ‘more, better, owned’ + Graham ‘more, better, owned’ + Graham stories e-xpressions newsletter podcast visit of +Graham Cray in 2011 stories e-xpressions newsletter podcast visit of +Graham Cray in 2011 moving forward
Jesus said: “Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4 Jesus said: “Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4