FAITH BUILDERS PROGRAM KIRK LYMAN-BARNER, M.DIV., M.B.A. Covenant Partner ConferenceShreveport, LA 2010 “The church is at the heart of the success of the Fuller Center for Housing.” - David Snell, President
FAITH BUILDERS There are over 450,000 churches in the United States. All of them are called by Jesus to service. Churches represent the biggest opportunity for growth and expanding the footprint and reach of The Fuller Center for Housing and your local housing ministry. The Faith Builders program is committed to helping our covenant partners find new volunteers, more mission opportunities and new funds to serve families in need of better housing.
FAITH BUILDERS As a grassroots ministry, we have adopted a strategy assisting congregations to work with local Fuller Center covenant partners. Additionally, our newest innovation is FCH can now work directly with congregations in locations without established Fuller Center organizations. “The largest corporation in the world is the Church.” -Millard Fuller “The Fuller Center for Housing is not a church, it is a servant to the church.” -David Snell
FULLERCENTER.ORG/FAITH-BUILDERS Strategic Plan For Missions Faith Builders outreach will use new social media technology to help you become ambassadors for your housing mission. Social Media Facebook groups Faith Builder Covenant Forms, applications, sermons, stories and more Personalized Fundraising Pages Blogs and videos One-On-One IRL (In Real Life) There is no substitute for human in-person contact!
FAITH BUILDERS The Profile of Fuller Center Church Volunteers: Friendly Joyful Enthusiastic Many are skilled Empowered Creative They become loyal donors and repeat volunteers They are spiritual and concerned about their community Overcoming objections: “But people are too busy.” Experience has demonstrated that the following groups will make time for causes they are loyal to: Retirees Students
FULLERCENTER.ORG/FAITH-BUILDERS Campaigns and Events Special events help to mobilize our grassroots movement and spread the word 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes Campaign Don’t Go To Church – Be The Church Faith in Action is a four-week, church-wide campaign that creates an outward focus and a heart to serve in your congregation. FIA culminates in a Sunday where regular services are cancelled, and the entire congregation engages in service projects in and with the community. 10/10/10
FAITH BUILDERS "The Fuller Center is a valuable partner in assisting fellowship churches and individuals in this calling. Home ownership and comfortable, safe living conditions contribute mightily to breaking such cycles as poverty, high school drop out rates, illiteracy, and family break ups.” -Dr. Harry Rowland Director of CBF Missional Church Ministries The Fuller Center recently created a partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). The CBF will initiate conversations with its member congregations that are seeking to find ways to impact their world by finding local projects and promoting mission service trips. Partnering with Denominations
FAITH BUILDERS Additional plans: Attendance at major denominational gatherings such as the Mennonites, PC (USA), The United Church of Christ and The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Development of a Sunday School curriculum that will be available for free download on our website If you want to grow your organization, begin with low hanging fruit. Begin with your own congregation and then ask for introductions to other congregations.
FAITH BUILDERS “How do I ask a church to sign up?” Begin with a prayerful spirit of service Ask how your covenant partner can assist the congregation’s mission efforts Share The Fuller Center story Ask if they have elderly members, shut-ins or caregivers that may have housing needs Ask for prayers for the Fuller Center and to help you spread the word Ask them to sponsor 2 Greater Blessing repair projects sending volunteers and raising funds Everybody Belongs. Everybody Serves. -Christian Reformed Church Disability Concerns Organization Mission focus: To end the isolation and disconnectedness of persons with disabilities and their families so they can serve God fully in their churches.
FAITH BUILDERS One in five people live with a disability The elderly are particularly affected by activity limitations The elderly poor often have to choose between: food, medicine, heat and other basic needs. House maintenance and repair is often not possible. Church attendance is lower for people with disabilities “Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but many.” 1 Corinthians 12:14 “Tell Jesus to come to my house.” How many people are praying for you to bring Jesus by?
FAITH BUILDERS PROGRAM Kirk Lyman-Barner (229) (229) fax (229) cell For more information: