Fot.: Enea Elżbieta J. Syrda ASM – Market Research and Analysis Centre Polish Construction Technology Platform Eco Retroffiting Polish approaches.


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Presentation transcript:

Fot.: Enea Elżbieta J. Syrda ASM – Market Research and Analysis Centre Polish Construction Technology Platform Eco Retroffiting Polish approaches

Energy consumption Source Average consumption of energy use for heating in Wh/m2 in residential buildings constructed in different periods in Poland. Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND do wg aktualnych wymagań P O L S K ANiemcySzwecja od Fot.: Enea

Government ecological policies for 2007–2010 with 2011–2014 prospective Action Plan for Environment Technologies 2007 – 2009 with prospective Strategy for renewable energy use EC Directives (2002/91/EC 2001/77/WE, 2003/30/EC) Environment protection policy z with Policies related to eco retrofitting Fot.: Enea Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Government ecological policies for 2007–2010 with 2011–2014 prospective : Document targets mainly at the eco retrofitting in urban economy: Policies related to eco retrofitting continuation of thermo insulation of the buildings, limitation of energy consumption in the city energy networks, energy efficient city lighting, improvement of energy efficiency in private buildings, changes of sources of energy supply [from coal into renewable energy sources and gas]. Fot.: Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Supporting and Co-ordinating Activities Within the framework of Roadmap for Implementation of Environmental Technology Action Plan in Poland the following activities is foreseen in order to stimulate and the strength development of Environmental Technologies: 1. Preparation of the study on state of works and implementation of Environmental Technologies in Poland. Elaboration of criteria for preliminary evaluation of technology in order to qualified it as environmental technology and evaluation of effectiveness of applied instruments for stimulating development of environmental technologies in Poland (II half 2006), 2. Monitoring of the state of works and implementation of Environmental Technologies in Poland (it is foreseen to put it into operation in second half of year 2007) 3. The elaboration of the proposal for technological credit for developing and implementing of Environmental Technologies (by the end of year 2008) 4. Establishing of entity for evaluation and certification of Environmental Technologies (by the end of year 2008), Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Supporting and Co-ordinating Activities Within the framework of Roadmap for Implementation of Environmental Technology Action Plan in Poland the following activities is foreseen in order to stimulate and the strength development of Environmental Technologies: 5. Establishing the internet portal for publishing information on Certified Environmental Technologies (by the end of year 2009), 6. The elaboration of the methodology for measurement of expenditures on development and the implementation of environmental technologies (by the end of year 2009), 7. The periodical (ever two years) publishing of catalogue of Certified Environmental Technologies, 8. The dissemination of most important achievements the scope of Environmental Technologies (continuous activity from 2008), 9. The actualization of R&D Programme within the scope of Environmental Technologies (in 2012) Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Subsidiary loan: bank loan with (Environmet Protection Found distributed by selected banks) reduction of 25% the loan for successful modernisation thermo modernisation premium Example of tools: thermo modernisation subvention Fot.: Enea Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Source: Raport 2005 FUNDACJA POSZANOWANIA ENERGII Number of applications for thermo modernisation premium Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Poland face quite low absorption of this subsidiaries. the most important barriers defined by experts: lack of continuous promotion of the program, low awareness of the buildings owners & administrators, complicated applying procedures and instructions, too many formal requirements high cost for individual user – benefit/profit is not clear Barriers in implementation of termomodernisation support Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Governmet should play a crutial role and be responsible for improving the situation: clear legal requirements for eco efficient investments [new and retrofitting] significantly higher financial support for such investment intensive campaings to rise society awareness (low awarness of society) reliable sources of invormation technologies Eco retrofitting successful approaches opinion of manufacturers of sustainable products Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Products Services Products & services + Rising awarness of Users & construction SMEs Finanalcial support (innovation and implementation) Promotion of complex approaches What are the most promising approaches? Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Level 1. Development of energy saving products Level 2. Developing energy saving services e.g. heating, Air Conditioning, Level 3. Integration of services: creating more complex offer eg. lighting + insulation + central heating Level 4. Integration with other attractive offers: e.g. Improving efficiency of employees (Indoor Environment Quality) and cost of building exploitation Basic success requirement? Client must see the MONEY Potential new services …. Fot.: Elżbieta Syrda ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd. POLAND

Elżbieta Syrda