OUR FUTURE YOUR FUTURE A Vision for RRVJA EXPANSION Building A Brand-New School On A Newly Acquired Site
SNYOPSIS OF OPTION 1 Projected to be a 100-year legacy Would house up to 500 students Requires $6 million fundraising Is a 10-year long-range plan
LIMITATIONS Lack of ample storage space Small administration space Lack of a private/quiet counseling area Lacking a comfortable staff room Air circulation in building is questionable Additional classroom to house a growing Band Program Lack additional classroom space to ensure a dynamic Fine Arts Program Lack enough space to allow differentiation between Elementary and High Schools Lack space to facilitate a successful grade 11/12 program Space for comfortable parking – Safety Issue Remediation of the parking lot drainage issue
Teacher Attitudes Sound Acoustics LightingAir QualityAesthetics Design Principles
WHAT IS REALLY NEEDED? A facility that will enhance the Mission of our school.
SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Auditorium style Chapel Room: For staff, students and parents to meet for Assemblies, Vespers, Weeks of Prayer, Parent Prayer Groups. Special Functions: Pathfinders, Induction, Youth Meetings, Evangelistic Series.
ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT Separate Music/Band Room Distinct pre-school Center Separate Arts Center Woodworking Technology Center
Learning Spaces Minimum 1000 Sq. Feet Surround sound Amplification to enhance learning for students Ample storage closets for resources, and textbooks Equipped with Smart Boards for Technology Integration Overhead projectors Integrated multi-media system Whiteboards Presentation walls Wireless Internet Natural Exhibits and Demonstration Centers
Resource Center Minimum 800 Sq. Feet Equipped with tables chairs, videos, books, curriculum materials, parent lending/reading materials. Quiet testing space Storage for manipulates Meeting area for Educational Clinicians to work with students.
Library/Media Center 1500 Sq. Ft. Library area to enable minimum of 8,000 reference, periodicals and non-fictional titles “Open Design” Four multi-use areas: Performance Corner, Activity Corner; Reading Corner, Library Corner Information rich in both print and electronic forms
Science Lab Sqf. Computer Networking Gas location Workspace for group dynamics
ABC Food Store
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Minimum 5000 Sq Ft Gymnasium Wood gym floor Allowing for 2-3 courts Male and Female change areas Equipment Storage High ceilings A well-equipped full Kitchen for functions
Fitness Center
SOCIAL/ EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT 800 Sq. Ft. Student lounge/Recreational Area 1000 Sq. Ft ‘Comfy” Staff planning area with kitchenette
School Garden Space
Outdoor Space
Guidance Center
Site Features 5 acres minimum land space South East or North East areas of Winnipeg Bus accessibility Not more than 5 Km outside city limits Parking spaces for over 80 vehicles Outdoor play areas Large student drop-off areas for parent use Separate drop-off area for bus use Acreage to allow future schools and outdoor areas at the site
Building Features 35,000 Sqf building all on one level or One (K-8) 20, 000 sqf building and one one (9-12) 15,000 Sqf building Grand hall at main entrance Low maintenance floor coverings throughout building Natural and Sky Lighting Central air-conditioning Geo-thermal HVAC system with energy efficient features and easy access for maintenance Wireless communication throughout building
New Facility Construction Process Stakeholder Needs Assessment Develop Work Teams Develop and Approve Educational Specifications Select and Approve Architect Develop and Approve Sketches Plan and Approve Drawings and Specifications Call for Bids Supervise Construction Acceptance And Use of New Facility
Finance Team Marketing Team Student Recruitment Team Building Team Fundraising Team Long Range Planning Team
COST Land Purchase $400,000 ($60,000 to $80, 000 per Acre) Building Purchase At $ per sqf. X 35,000 sqf. = 5 250,000 Site prep and development (at 10%) 525,000 Design Fees and Testing (add 5%) 262,500 Contingencies (add 10%) 525,000 Furnishings etc. 500,000 TOTAL 7 462,500 Less Sale Price of 56 Grey Street (1 000, 000) Total Cost of New Building *$6, 462, 500
Increased academic, spiritual, physical and emotional student outcomes. A facility customized to match our needs and goals Direct benefits from a “new school novelty” Benefit from demographics of the new area – growth Energy Savings from more efficient electricity & gas fixtures Center of pride in our community for cooperation/callobartion Limited availability of properties within city limits High Land acquisition cost Might be forced to look outside city limits Increased need for bussing Longer time frame - 10 years –Planning –Fundraising PROSCONS
RESOURCES RRVJA Staff HMFH Architects Top 10 Design Ideas for School for the 21 st Century. School Designer. COM NCDPI, school Planning. Cost and feasibility of renovation or replacing and old school building MMI Commercial Real Estate’s Industrial holdings near Winnipeg Jason Johansson from As Fearr Management Services Ltd, Winnipeg Andy Maharaj, Century 21 Bachman & Associates, Winnipeg Oregon Board of Education. Suggested steps for planning and building a a new school building. Church surveys 2006 Church Fact-finding survey – West Park and Henderson Hwy. Churches RRVJA Parent Surveys
Key Questions What is the cost of a new school vs. upgrading vs. purchasing? What is the feasibility of upgrading? What is the feasibility of purchasing an existing school? Will the new facility be financially viable? What are the present student demographics? What is the expected student demographic for the next 5, 10, 15 years? Have we accurately gauged constituency support for our building expansion decisions? Do we need more information gathering? Is our needs assessment accurate?