Pluralist Democracy.
What is Pluralist Democracy? Kind of democracy multiple sources Different groups, affiliations, organizations share influence and control. More collective. A pluralistic democracy reflects bourgeois ideals.
Political parties and entrepreneurs share an important role in deciding the affairs of the state. Advocates,more "plural," universal and fair. Ideological basis theory of institutionalism Pluralistic democracy exponents propose that these institutions have direct influence and involvement in public policy: Churches Unions Political groups Special interest groups
Rise of Theory Two factors: The first factor is the political growing more complex under the influence of modern capitalism The second factor is the growing division between economic classes. Pluralistic democracy theorists argue that left ungoverned and uncontrolled, democracy degenerates into plutocracy. Plutocracy occurs when only wealthy or powerful people and groups influence govern the country.
Functional Requirements Requires social and economic diversity of citizens. Citizens with very different needs of government. There is a special interest group for nearly every opinion. Become very powerful and exert control
Majoritarian Model Government by the majority of the people Mass participation in politics is required People are well-informed on political issues and make thoughtful voting decisions. Citizens to participate directly in decisionmaking
Pluralist model People group along economic, religious, ethnic or cultural lines. People with similar interests form INTEREST GROUPS Government by people operating through competing interest groups The plural model favors - a decentralized and organizationally complex structure - to provide groups open access to public officials who consider their views