REGIONAL RESPONSES TO GLOBAL CHALLENGES - experiences from Pomorskie Voivodeship, Pomorskie REGIONAL RESPONSES TO GLOBAL CHALLENGES - experiences from Pomorskie Voivodeship, Pomorskie by Jan Szymański Managing Authority of Regional Operation Programme Pomorskie, Poland
Pomorskie Voivodeship
Area: km 2 ; 5,9% of POLAND Business activity (2006)
Financial instruments of regional policy Cohesion Policy for European Regional Development Fund - ERDF European Social Fund - ESF Cohesion Fund - CF EFRR finance all operation programs, which the aim is to stimulate economic development in the least prosperous regions EFS was created to support employment and help people enhance their education and skills FS was created for 2 sectors: environment and transport EUR the Community and Poland is set for EUR for programming period 2007–2013.
The system of programming and implementation government administrationself – government administration Pomorskie Regional Operational Programme Pomorskie Regional Development Strategy Pomorskie Regional Innovation Strategy OP Innovative Economy OP Human Capital OP Infrastructure and Environment National Strategic Reference Framework National Development Strategy National Reform Programme
The system of programming and implementation 49% 13% 16% 22% Billion Euro
The system of programming and implementation All Operations Programmes objectives are complementary with: Strategic Community Guidelines - contain the principles and priorities of cohesion policy and suggest the European regions how to become more attractive places to invest and work through innovation, entrepreneurship and economic know-how; how to create more and better jobs National Strategic Reference Framework - complies with the requirements of the article 27 of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July shows how Poland plans to meet Lisbon goals; shows how Poland plans to address Strategic Community Guidelines National Reform Programme for the delivery of the Lisbon Strategy - the scope and structure of the Polish NRP has been based on the Integrated Guidelines Package (IGP) for presented by the European Commission - presents the measures the Polish Government intends to take in the period of , with a view to the fundamental objectives of the renewed Lisbon Strategy being achieved the Assessment of the Region
Pomorskie Regional Operational Programme 2007 – 2013 Part of European Cohesion Policy as an example of Pomorskie responses to global challenges
Pomorskie Regional Operational Programme 2007 – 2013 Work on Pomorskie Regional Operational Programme 2007 – 2013 began in June 2005, it takes account of: 1.Conclusion from the regional public consultation exercise; 2.Recommendations from the environmental impact assessment procedure; 3.Recommendations from the ex-ante evaluation; 4.Experiences of the The results of inter – ministerial consultation and decisions of the standing committee of the Council of Ministers; 6.Results of Pomorskie ROP negotiations with the European Commission complies with the requirements of the article 32 of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006
Pomorskie Regional Operational Programme 2007 – 2013 The strategic goal of Pomorskie ROP: improve the regions competitiveness, social cohesion and accessibility and realise its unique economic and cultural potential and ensure a sustainable use of its environment.
Some examples of contracted Pomorskie RPO projects 1.3 Non grant SME support - JEREMIE (Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises) JEREMIE provides the framework for a series of coherent financial actions to improve the financial environment for small businesses (medium, small and micro enterprises, known as SMEs). Increasing small businesses access to finance and risk capital enables economic growth and competitiveness. Minimal project value may not be less than EUR ERDF allocation: EURO. Over 135 projects are already contracted. 80% of them are projects come from Priority Axis 1. SME Development and Innovation. Below, there are some examples:
Some examples of contracted Pomorskie RPO projects Infrastructure for the development of innovation companies Project title: Science and technology park in Gdynia Total value: EUR 19 m. ERDF: EUR 11 m. ~ 60% Goals: Total area: m2
Some examples of contracted Pomorskie RPO projects 2.1 Education and science infrastructure Project title: Physics science for the future Total value: ~ EUR Applied value from ERDF: ~ EUR ~ 75% Goals: Moders laboratory for scientific research, experiments, and measurement for 200 students
Some examples of contracted Pomorskie RPO projects 3.1 Development and integration of public transport system Project title: Natural gas buses with energy solar panels, CNG Gas Stations Total value: ~ EUR 1,8 m. ERDF: ~ EUR ~ 33% Goals: 5 buses + 2 CNG Gas Stations
Some examples of contracted Pomorskie RPO projects Projects raising the development potential of cities Project title: Hevelianum Centre – Education and recreation park Total value: ~ EUR 3,6 m. ERDF: ~ EUR 2,1 m. ~ 70% Goals: improving the development potential of cities by the revitalisation. Revitalised area: 8500 m2
Some examples of contracted Pomorskie RPO projects 6.1 Infrastructure to strengthen the tourism potential Project title: Development of Yacht Marine in Sopot Total value: ~ EUR18 m. Applied value from ERDF: ~ EUR 6.8 m. ~ 50%
6.3 Regional cultural heritage with tourism potential Project title: Adaptation of St John Church in Gdańsk into Baltic Culture Centre Total value: ~ EUR 16.8 m. Euro Applied value from ERDF: ~ EUR 2.5 m. ~ 50% Some examples of contracted Pomorskie RPO projects
More projects comming soon… Many projects are going to be financed with ERDF not only with Pomorskie ROP, but also with other operation programmes, such as Innovative Economy, Human Capital, Infrastructure and Environment. Here are some examples: R & D infrastructure: Baltic Centre of Biotechnology and Innovation Diagnostics, developing by Academy of Medicine, Technical University and University of Gdańsk, the total value = ~ EUR 29 m. Will be financed from OP IEc (Innovative Economy)
More projects are comming soon… Health: projects that support health infrastructure, especially for cancer diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and integrated rescue services system.
Environment and Environment Friendly Energy: Through Pomorskie ROP there are already 47 projects of infrastructure to collect and treat wastewater and to improve waste management, ready to be contracted. Total allocation for this thematic area is about EUR 88 m. For 2010 there is a plan to have over 776 km of waste water pipe line. To protect the environment and energy in Pomorskie ROP there is about EUR 62 m. to use. The main thematic area will be waste management and development of renewable energy Through OP IE (Infrastructure and Environment) Pomorskie wants to get EUR 145 m. for renewable energy, wastewater treatment, water management and waste management. More projects are comming soon…
Transport system: More than 60 km of roads will be developed with Pomorskie ROP. The total ERDF allocation for transport is EUR 203 m. Over one billion Euro from OP IE (Infrastructure and Environment) is planned for transport system in Pomorskie More projects are comming soon…
What is more… Europe's Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Security Culture and education Environment Economics promoting deeper regional integration in the Baltic Sea region, which is a viable and dynamic part of a wider European economic and political area
To sum up… Fast financing through the Structural Funds will increase competitiveness and cohesion of Pomorskie in such areas as human capital, health care, energy and inftrastructure. Through the Structural Funds we are able to respond to global challenges such as energy, environment and climate changes, but we may also contribute to decreasing of global economic crisis.
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