Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Review TPB Technical Committee 10/2/2009, Item #6 TPB Technical Committee 10/2/2009, Item #6 1
The “Street Smart” Campaign Concentrated waves of Radio, Transit, and Internet advertising designed to change driver, pedestrian, and cyclist behavior Supported by concurrent law enforcement Funded by Federal Funds with voluntary matching contributions from WMATA, TPB Member Governments, since Fall 2002 Run twice annually since 2007 Fall and Spring waves November 2008 and March-April 2009 FY 2009 budget was $700,000 – Spring 2009 $430,000 Details at 3
Tips Cards 7
Crosswalks Cards 8
All Materials in English and Spanish 9
CAMPAIGN HIGHLIGHTS Fall 2008 Campaign: 570 radio spots 16 transit shelters 500 interior bus cards 150 bus kings Internet – in-banner videos thru advertising.com and on wtopnews.com 525 posters / 82,000 handouts Spring 2009 Campaign: 1,010 radio spots 57 transit shelters 1,024 interior bus cards 200 bus backs Internet advertising on wtopnews.com 4,400 posters / 105,000 handouts Spring 2009 Campaign: 1,010 radio spots 57 transit shelters 1,024 interior bus cards 200 bus backs Internet advertising on wtopnews.com 4,400 posters / 105,000 handouts 10
ADDED & EARNED MEDIA Total Added and Earned Media: $284,316 Earned Media Value (combined total): $100,649 Campaign launch events earned more than 4.4 million media impressions with 48 broadcast hits at least 14 print/online articles Added Value (combined total): $183,667 $63,387 in free radio spots $109,930 in free outdoor including transit shelters, interior bus cards, bus kings and bus backs $10,350 in free internet advertising 11
Kick-Off Press Event March 25 Reeves Center, District of Columbia Patrick Burke, Assistant Chief of Police, DC MPD Penny Gross, COG Chair William Euille, Mayor, City of Alexandria Gabe Klein, Director, DDOT J. Walter Tejada, Arlington County Board Tom Didone, Captain, Montgomery County Police Department Peter Moe, Maryland Highway Safety Office Eric Gilliland, Executive Director, Washington Area Bicyclist Association Speakers: Street Smart Spring 2009 Kick-Off -- dsc01290.jpg FirstFirst | Previous Picture | Next Picture | Last | ThumbnailsPrevious PictureNext PictureLastThumbnails
ENFORCEMENT 38,961 citations and 4,803 warnings were issued to motorists, pedestrians and cyclists in Alexandria, Fairfax County, Montgomery County and the District of Columbia during the campaign. * * Actual numbers may be higher. This statistic was based on the actual number of Enforcement Reports received at the conclusion of the campaign. 13
2008 FATALITIES IMPROVE Street Smart participants had 29 fewer pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities than in Source: 2008 NHTSA State Traffic Safety Information; MSHA Maryland Highway Safety Office; DDOT 2008 Safety Facts Jurisdiction2007 Fatalities2008 Fatalities+/- Change District of Columbia* Charles County51-4 Frederick County10 Montgomery County*1716 Prince George’s County Arlington County*11- City of Alexandria*20-2 Fairfax County* City of Fairfax00- City of Falls Church00- Loudoun County30-3 City of Manassas00- City of Manassas Park00- Prince William County66- Total *Provided funding for Street Smart in FY 2009, and reported carrying out pedestrian safety-related law enforcement. 14
For drivers: how strictly do you think police in your area enforce the “Yield or Stop for pedestrians” law in crosswalks? From 2009 Trend Report 16
For Pedestrians: How strictly do you think police in your area enforce “Crossing against the signal” and improper street crossing laws? 37 71* * Spike in April 2007 may be due to higher incidence of fatalities during that time period and media coverage. From 2009 Trend Report 17
FY 2010 Funding Letters requesting voluntary contributions from TPB member governments were sent February 18,
SourceOct-02Apr-04Jun-05Mar-06Mar-07 Fall 2007 & Spring 2008 Fall 2008 & Spring 2009 Fall 2009 & Spring 2010 (to date) DDOT*$100,000 $200,000 TBD DC MPD* $80,000 $30,000 Maryland SHA*$115,000$100,000$58,000$50,000$100,100$130,300$130,000$143,000 Virginia DMV*$100,000 $75,000$100,000$75,000$100,000 WMATA $150,000 Local Government Contributions$100,000$90,000$80,000$91,300$113,700$158,500$120,600$54,800 Private Sponsorship $10,000 Grand Total$415,000$390,000$393,000$341,300$428,800$738,800$700,600$447,800 * Federal pass- through Street Smart Funding,
Local Government Contributions SourceOct-02Apr-04Jun-05Mar-06Mar-07FY 2008FY 2009FY 2010 (to date) City of Alexandria$5,000 $6,800 $7,000 Arlington County $10,000 $10,100 $10,300 City of Bowie Charles County, urbanized area City of College Park $600 City of Fairfax $1,100 City of Frederick City of Falls Church $500 Fairfax County$50,000 $52,800 $54,800$5,000 Frederick County City of Gaithersburg $3,100 City of Greenbelt $500 Loudoun County City of Manassas City of Manassas Park $700 Montgomery County$45,000$10,000 $40,600$45,000 $42,000 Prince George's County $15,000$5,000 $37,100 Prince William County City of Rockville $2,900 City of Takoma Park $900 $800 Total Local$100,000$90,000$80,000$91,300$113,700$158,500$120,600$54,800 20
FY 2010 Funding & Activities Confirmed budget is $447,800 – Likely budget (with DDOT funds) is around $650,000, down from $700,000 last year – Local funding support fell, Federal/State funds increased. – Sufficient for Fall & Spring campaign waves Fall Wave - November – Media, Enforcement, Public Relations – Will use existing materials 21