Family & Friends
Chest X-Ray Chest X-Ray
Why Lung Cancer? I never smoked. I was not around second hand smoke. I have no family history of lung cancer. There is no reason, except Radon. Home tested at 8.6 pCi/L Office tested at 1.3 pCi/L
Treatment – Stage 2B/3A September 2003: Opinions St. Mary’s, Milwaukee WI Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN UM Madison Hospital, WI October 20-January 5 Chemotherapy January 22-March 10 Radiation
Treatment – Stage 4 September 2006 Fluid in chest DrainPrognosis Cancer Treatment Center, Illinois October-DecemberChemotherapy Pleurex Catheter March 2007 Pleurex Catheter removed
Treatment – Stage 4 August 2008 CT: 11 masses in lungs MRI: 8mm mass in brain September Opinions: St. Luke’s, Mayo Cyberknife brain radiation October Tarceva (daily chemo pill) June 2009 CT, MRI, Bone scan Share personal stories “Drop in the Bucket” DVD Answer s Website links for radon information Increase public awareness Educate policy makers Convince State/Federal Governments to take action Thank you for having the courage to share your stories… Joe Linnertz Gloria Linnertz Barbara Sorgatz Bob MacEwan Marlene MacEwan
CanSAR Members
Lung Cancer Statistics "[W]e have funded lung cancer research far below the levels that characterize other common malignancies," reads a 2001 National Cancer Institute report, "and far out of proportion to its public health impact.“ $1,700 research per Lung Cancer death $10,000 research per Prostate Cancer death $14,000 research per Breast Cancer death
Trends in Five-Year Relative Survival Rates [%] Breast (female) Prostate Colon Lung By year of diagnosis, United States 2004 Fall Cure Magazine (American Cancer Society, Surveillance Research, 2004)
Family & Friends
Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.