Chapter 1 Introducing government in America
August 13 th bellringer In your opinion, why are so many young people apathetic about politics?
Politics and Government Matter! This is the single most important message for you to understand. Government and politics impact your life everyday. How?
Why Don’t Young People Care? They can’t make a difference The political system is corrupt Just don’t care Because of the above, a tremendous gap has opened up between the young (under 25) and the elderly (over 65) on measures of political interest, knowledge, and participation.
Thomas Jefferson quote “There has never been, nor will there ever be, a people who are politically ignorant and free.” What did he mean by this?
Apathy=lower voter turnout Few young Americans are heading to the polls compared to previous generations. This is bringing the overall voter turnout to record lows (in 1996, below 50%). Why does voter turnout matter?
Discussion questions for tomorrow Today, large proportions of Americans believe that most or all politicians are corrupt, that government serves the interest of the few, and that government is dominated by the wealthy and powerful. Evaluate the above statements for class tomorrow. Read pages #2-10
8/14 Bellringer How has technological innovations changed the political landscape, especially for young voters?
Government Government consists of those institutions that make authoritative public policies for society as a whole. Regardless of how leaders assume office, all governments have certain functions in common: 1. Maintain national defense 2. Provide public goods (highways, parks) 3. Preserve order/use police powers to maintain order 4. Socialize the young into the political culture 5. Collect taxes (approx. 1/3 of dollars earned is used to pay taxes)
Politics Determines whom we select as our governmental leaders and what policies they pursue. Harold Lasswell got straight to the point with “Who gets what, when, and how.”
Politics Continued The media tends to focus on the who of politics. What refers to the substance of politics and government Benefits: Medicare Burdens: new taxes How people participate in politics is important Ways in which people get involved make up their political participation.
Forms of Political Participation Voting Holding political office/running for office Being a member of a single-issue group
Discussion topic for tomorrow Do the benefits provided by the government outweigh the burdens put on U.S. citizens by the government? Read pages #11-18
Policy Making What is the government going to do about my problem? Policymaking system: Process by which policy comes into being and evolves over time. BEGINS WITH PEOPLE. What do people do to express their opinions in a democracy?
Linkage Institutions Political channels through which people’s concerns become political issues on the policy agenda. In the U.S., this is done through elections, political parties, interest groups, and media. All institutions help to shape the government’s policy agenda (issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actually involved in politics at any given point).
Writing Assignment for “A Divided State” After viewing this film, put yourself in the shoes of the student body president of Utah Valley State. Would you decide to invite Michael Moore in the first place to your (very) conservative college? How would you justify your decision to the many people that are against bringing the controversial speaker? After all the scrutiny from the public, would you be able to keep your position as leader of the college? If you wouldn’t bring Michael Moore to campus, explain why. How would you explain this decision while supporting the right to free speech?
3 Policy Making Institutions Congress The presidency The courts All stand at the core of the political system
Public Policy A choice that government makes in response to a political issue. A policy is a course of action taken with regard to some problem. Public policy includes all the decisions and non decisions made by government. Doing SOMETHING or doing NOTHING
Democracy System of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences. Traditional Democratic Theory: -Equality in voting “One person, one vote” -Effective participation -Enlightened understanding (free speech/press is essential) -Citizen control of the agenda -Inclusion: citizenship must be open to all within nation if the nation is to call itself democratic -Majority rule and minority rights
Assignment Use computer to research interest groups in politics today. Do you identify with any groups? Do any groups represent you or something you believe in? Do you think interest groups are good or bad for democracy? Answer in paragraph form
3 Contemporary Theories of American Democracy Pluralist theory: contends that many centers of influence compete for power and control Elite and class theory: contends that our society (like all societies) is divided along class lines Hyperpluralism: pluralism gone sour (many groups are so strong that government is unable to act)