Investing EU funds in Next Generation Access (NGA) Infrastructures OPEN DAYS Workshop: October 12 th 2011 Ken Ducatel DG Information Society and Media HoU: Digital Agenda Policy and Coordination European Commission Ken
NGA coverage (FTTH/B Household availability, 2009)
DAE NGA targets for Mbps for 100% internet for 100% 100Mbps for 50% of households
Investment challenge 180 to 270 billion of investment required to bring fast broadband to all households by 2020
Meeting the targets – Broadband Communication Measures proposed: Commission proposal for broadband financing (Connecting Europe Facility: CEF proposal with MAFF) Commission to rationalize the funding of high-speed BB through EU instruments: SF & RD proposals within MAFF Commission to publish guide on investment models for local and regional authorities using EU funds to for BB/NGA
EU funds for BB/NGA Reasons for the guide –Poor absorption record (only 418m out of 2.3bn of SF committed by September 2009) – 1.02bn added to EAFRD, only 360m programmed on broadband projects –Aim of the guide from INFSO view: Assist BB/NGA planning to improve absorption Replicate the most innovative investment models across EU Avoid pitfalls and problems with state aid Support competition through models that provide a level playing field Provide widespread access to a good quality and affordable infrastructure Future work: –Additional investment models by EBP=> Live Tool Box –Need to create synergy with CEF
Thank you!