Status of SNOLAB Development Fraser Duncan SNOLAB Workshop 4 Oct 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Status of SNOLAB Development Fraser Duncan SNOLAB Workshop 4 Oct 2008

2km overburden (6000mwe) ‏ Underground Laboratory Surface Facility SNOLAB Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008 Muon Flux = 0.27/m 2 /day MEI & HIME astro/ph

Existing SNO Facility SNOLAB Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Existing SNO Facility Phase I Relocate -Lab Entry -Personnel Facilities Utility Area - Chiller - Generator SNOLAB Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Existing SNO Facility Phase I Relocate -Lab Entry -Personnel Facilities Utility Area - Chiller - Generator Phase II SNOLAB

Laboratory Space Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Construction (Underground)‏ Project Management: by Acres (now Hatch Energy) – Satish Bhan Project Manager. Engineering: Design – Hatch Energy; Geotechnical – Itasca; Excavation - Macintosh. Excavation: Contracted to J.S.Redpath Ltd.  Phase I: Began Nov 2004, completed May 2007  Phase II: Began Jun 2007, completed Jun 2008  Total excavation 6000 m 2 / 39,000 m 3. Outfitting: Contracted to Comstock Canada Ltd with sub contracting for specialties.  Began Jun 2007  Done: Refuge station, Lab entrance  To Do: Completion of Utility Area (chillers, stp, fire water system); Ventilation in Ladder Labs, Cube Hall and Cryopit Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Excavation Status: Aug 2007 Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Excavation Status: Today Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Lab Entry

Personnel Area

Personnel Area

Ladder Labs

Cube Hall


Hall Bottom Access

Chiller Rm

Chiller Rm


Access Drift

Next Steps Contractors  Finish Utility Area: Finish chiller assembly; piping to waste water plant; fire water lines to 6600L; commission chillers, STP.  Finish work in Experimental Areas: running water lines to Cube Hall and Cryopit; hook up electrics; Building Automation System; Fire Alarm. SNOLAB  Fine cleaning of Personnel Area (showers, change rooms, lunch room, meeting room).  Fine cleaning of laboratory entrance (carwash, junction, access drift to SNO facilities).  Services including network Infrastructure, water pretreatment (relocation), up size 13kV power feed,... Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Finish Line Day 1  Support Facilities: Enlarged personnel area and material handling facilities.  Experimental Spaces: Existing SNO Cavern, Cube Hall, Ladder Labs all operated as Clean Rooms. Cube Hall and Ladder Labs will be “bare rooms” but with nearby services. Day 2  Cryopit: Paint and fine clean.  South Drift: Remove old carwash and personnel facilities. Recover as experimental space.  Underground “clean room” machine shop.  Underground chemistry lab. Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Day 1 Infrastructure Power Distribution  2000 kVA capacity at 600V. 400A/600V services to the experimental areas except the Cryopit (deferred). Able to accommodate a future backup generator. Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008 Future

Day 1 Infrastructure Power Distribution Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Day 1 Infrastructure Cooling  300 T (1MW) Chiller; Chilled Water Loop: 250 PSIG, 5C. Distribution to SNO Utility, Cube Hall and Cryopit. Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008 CHILLER

Day 1 Infrastructure Ventilation  Main ventilation hard ducted. Distribution into Experimental areas with soft duct air changes per hour. HEPA filtered. Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Day 1 Infrastructure Communications  Multimode 200 Mb/s capacity between surface and underground. 1 Gb/s off site.  Will complete a Gb/s single mode fibre link between underground and surface in the near future. Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Day 1 Infrastructure Other Services  Industrial water, fire water, forced drain, compressed air.  Ultrapure water from the SNO water purification plant.  LN2 supplied by transport dewar from surface. Low Background Counting  1 existing HPGe Gamma Counter. Requesting funds for 2 additional counters.  Rn/Ra Emanation (Electrostatic Counters, Radon emanation. Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Staff Staff of ~40  Operations: Cleaning, material handling, maintenance, lab supervision.  Technical Support: Plant operations, chemistry, electrical, electronics, instrumentation.  Design: Primarily mechanical and process systems expertise. Design work, reviews.  Construction: Small construction group with expertise in the SNOLAB related issues. Assists with experiment installation.  IT: Networking, system administration.  Admin: Procurement, shipping and receiving, training. Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Experimental Program The experimental program has concentrated on astroparticle physics but has also had submissions from other fields such as seismology and fundamental constants. Requests for space are reviewed by the Experiment Advisory Committee (EAC) which makes recommendations to the Director.  To date 25 Letters of Interest or proposals have been submitted, 13 of which have been recommended by the EAC as appropriate for pursing for siting at SNOLAB. Of these 8 have developed mature plans to come to SNOLAB. Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Day 1 Experiments

Personnel facilities SNO Cavern Ladder Labs Cube Hall Cryopit Utility Area Now:DEAP : SNO+ Now:PICASSO-II 2010: SuperCDMS Experimental Program 2009: DEAP/CLEAN 3600, MiniCLEAN 360 Unallocated South Drift Unallocated Phase III Stub Utility Drift Now:PUPS Experiments expected to request space soon:  EXO 200 Gas  HALO  PICASSO-III

Beyond Construction With the laboratory almost complete, construction emphasis is shifting to facilitating the siting of experiments.  Cube Hall: Begin steel work for DEAP/CLEAN and MiniCLEAN.  SNO Cavern: Repair of liner floor and install of hold downs for SNO+.  SNO Utility Rm: Excavation of pit for SNO+ scintillator plant.  Renovation of South Drift, old Carwash,... Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008

Schedule Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct

Summary Construction is almost complete! Ready to begin the installation of the Day 1 experiments. Civil work can being any time in the new laboratory areas.  We plan to install steel in the Cube Hall at the beginning of Some space has been allocated for experiments but there is still significant room available. SNOLAB is open for business. Fraser DuncanSNOLAB Workshop 4-5 Oct 2008
