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Presentation transcript:

WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK OIL & GAS SUPPLY MOEB/D Existing New Actual ENERGY DEMAND Coal Other Gas Oil Oil and natural gas supply 60% of world energy demand About 50% of 2010 supply will come from new production Balanced approach required to meet the supply challenge

MEETING THE CHALLENGE ExxonMobil engaged on a number of fronts to meet tomorrow’s energy needs ... New exploration and production New technologies and improved products Energy conservation and efficiency

A CORPORATE FOCUS Other Operations Exploration & Production Refining & Chemicals Refining and Chemicals account for over 75% of energy consumption and 60% of greenhouse gas emissions Initial efforts aimed at improving Downstream energy efficiency Initiatives also underway in Upstream and Lubes Manufacturing

IMPROVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY PLANT ENERGY EFFICIENCY Plant energy efficiency has improved over 35% since 1973 Saved cumulative equivalent of 1.8 billion barrels of crude oil Translates to over 200 million tonne decrease in GHG emissions Ongoing initiatives expected to provide additional improvement Additional investment in highly efficient cogeneration facilities Implementation of Global Energy Management System (G-EMS)

COGENERATION Waste Heat Simple Cycle Combined Cogen Steam Electricity COGEN EFFICIENCY XOM COGEN CAPACITY MW Cogeneration 30-35% more efficient than conventional technology Facilities at 32 locations produce 2700 megawatts of electricity Efficiency gain sufficient to service nearly 1 million U.S. residential households GHG emissions reduced nearly 7 million tonnes per year versus alternatives Additional 970 megawatts planned at 5 sites in U.S. and Canada Potential to further reduce GHG emissions more than 2 million tonnes per year when new capacity fully on line

PLANT ENERGY EFFICIENCY EII% QUARTILES 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Energy Intensity Index - % Solomon Associates, Inc. AVG EII% TRENDS US AP WE Industry trend groups improving 1% per year on average Top performers appear to have lined-out ... for now Data highlights potential opportunity for many plants

A GLOBAL APPROACH OBJECTIVES Establish a single, comprehensive global energy management system (G-EMS) Utilize a common methodology to identify performance gaps, implement closure plans, sustain progress, and continuously improve results BUSINESS MODEL Operate existing facilities optimally and efficiently through application of best practices Identify economic investment opportunities above an optimized base for step-change improvement Implement strong management systems to sustain progress and drive continuous improvement

G-EMS DESIGN Management Leadership Equipment Classes Project Design Process Units Utility Systems Organizational Commitment to Best Practices System Performance Operating Results Analysis Planning Personal Accountability Continuous Improvement

Energy Management System G-EMS DEVELOPMENT Energy Management System Process Units Equipment Classes Utility Systems Project Design Best practices documented in 12 volume set of manuals Contain 1200 pages and identify over 200 key energy variables Cover key process, equipment, and utility operations Also address energy efficiency in project design

G-EMS MEASUREMENT Headquarters & Plant Management Business Teams Process Engineers Equipment Specialists Shift Supervision Console Operators Field Operators Plant / Site Energy Index Energy Expense Profitability Unit / Equipment Targets & Handles Directly Actionable Area / Complex Implementation Lost Opportunity Key Energy Variables Diagnostic Indicators Global Measures

G-EMS DEPLOYMENT PLAN BENCHMARKING HIGHLIGHTS OPPORTUNITY Self-Assessments External Assessments Rollouts at 15-20 sites address 80% of economic opportunity Balance of opportunity addressed via rigorous Self-Assessments 13 Rollouts executed through 2002 ... 5 Rollouts planned in 2003

G-EMS ROLLOUT RESULTS Utility Systems Equipment Classes Process Units No/Low Investment Requires Uneconomic Self-Assessments G-EMS Rollouts Distribution of Benefits Rollouts and Self-Assessments address 80% of total opportunity Process Units total nearly 50% -- mainly investment related Utility Systems account for over 30% -- mix of no/low and investment items Equipment Classes total 20% -- many no/low investment options Potential savings equal to 15-20% of plant energy bill on average About half of the benefits identified require little or no investment to capture Potential to further reduce GHG emissions nearly 9 million tonnes per year at full implementation

PATH FORWARD Potential for climate change poses a legitimate long-term risk Path forward must be marked by rational scientific, economic, and technical analysis Maintain focus on increasing supplies, developing next generation products and technology, energy conservation and efficiency Continue support for scientific and economic research and participate in cooperative programs with industry and government Conservation and efficiency -- the first path Develop 970 MW of additional cogeneration capacity Improve refinery/chemical plant efficiency an additional 15-20% Reduce GHG emissions about 11 million tonnes per year Benefits consumers, companies, and the environment alike now and well into the future