Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) MPAT TE-5 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Enhancing Multinational Operations
Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) MPAT TE-5 COL Bayarsaikhan & CDR Wohlschlegel Enhancing Multinational Operations
MPAT TE-5 Personnel Total of 135 participant & support personnel from 22 nations – Mongolia: 40 participants plus support personnel – US: 23 participants plus support personnel – Other MPAT Nations: 47 personnel – International Organizations (IO) / NGO / Expert Invitees: 7 ›United Nations (UN Mongolia, UNOCHA, UNHCR) ›IO / NGO (representatives / role players) ›Center of Excellence Disaster Management HA (COE DMHA)
CTF HQ C1/Personnel C2/ Intel C3/ Ops C4/ Log C5/ Plans C6/ Comms CTF Headquarters Staff SOPs Cultural Dynamics Infrastructure Differences Communications TTPs Operational Level focus Add’l MPAT SMEs: PSYOP, Civil Affairs, Legal, Medical, Pol-Mil, etc. LOs from Supporting SupportingCommands MPAT TE-5 Focus: Activation, Forming, Planning as a CTF HQ Staff C7/ Civ-Mil
Coalition Planning Groups (CPG) & Functional Staff Cells CPG 1 LTC Batsukh MAJ Rutherford Maj Erb COL Sweeney COL Sweeney CPG 2 LTC Amarsaikhan LTC Singh Maj Zavislak COL Bayarsaikhan COL Bayarsaikhan CPG 3 LTC Ganbat COL Coballes LTC Blair COL Tan COL Tan MAF Co-lead MPAT Co-lead US Facilitator US Facilitator Group Mentor Commander CTF (CCTF) – MG (Sel) Ganbat Deputy Commander CTF (DCCTF) – COL Sweeney Chief of Staff (COS) - COL Bayarsaikhan CPG 4 COL Enkhjargal COL Enkhjargal Capt Fifita LTC Dunne SCOL Nopparat SCOL Nopparat MAF US OTHER MPAT Air/Maritime LTC Batsukh CDR Weidie WGCMDR Lloyd (Australia) Ground OpsMAJ BayarmagnaiMAJ ReutebuchCOL Choi (Korea) SOF / CTLTC BatbilegMaj WongCOL Baker (Australia) CALTC Canbold.ShLTC BlairLTC Lesoa (Madagascar) LOG /TransportationLTC ErdentsogtLTC GilgallonGP CAPT Sharma (India) EngineerCOL GantumurCDR KeithCAPT Cataka (Fiji) IO / PSYOPS / PA LTC Ganbold.GCDR ColeLTC Hutchinson (UK) Cmd & CntlLTC BattulgaLTC DunneCDR M. Negi (India) Medical LT SukhbaatarMAJ SmithMAJ Tan (Singapore) LegalCOL EnkhjargalLt Col HavranekLCDR McNicol (Canada) CommsCPT AmarbayasgalanLTC KoskeyMAJ Yoshimura (Japan) Intel / IMCPT ChinzorigMaj DanussiCapt Lander (Canada)
AAR Purpose AAR Purpose Conduct a facilitated After Action Review (AAR) of MPAT TE-5 Leads: COL Sosorbaran (Mongolia)Leads: COL Sosorbaran (Mongolia) COL Sweeney (US) COL Sweeney (US) Mr. John Bratton (US) Mr. John Bratton (US) Review workshop activities and designReview workshop activities and design Assess accomplishment of goals & objectivesAssess accomplishment of goals & objectives – CPG, UN / IO / NGO, CECG present “Sustains” and “Improves” during AAR brief Friday, 8 August Provide a forum to discuss lessons learnedProvide a forum to discuss lessons learned
AAR Submission Form MPAT TE-5 PARTICIPANTS AAR SUBMISSION WORKSHEET Rules for AAR submission worksheets and AAR: 1. Worksheets will be placed in Staff Workspaces. Please submit daily. 2. All participants should submit an AAR Worksheet. 3. Comments should address formal presentations, practical application, scenario, TE-5 goals and objectives. Focus on improvement. 4. Each CPG, UN/IO/NGO, and CECG should submit AAR slides ("sustain and improve" format by 1330 Thursday, 7 August) 5. All submissions will be considered - be prepared to discuss during facilitated AAR discussion Friday, 8 August. SUBMISSION: Observer NameCPG or Staff Section SubjectSustain/Improve (Circle one) Narrative/Issue:Discussion: Recommendation(Continue on back if necessary):
Plenary Meeting Room & Functional Staff Cell Rooms 5 th Floor STAGE Computer Projection Ground SOF AirMedical
CPG and Functional Staff Cell Rooms 3 rd Floor CPG 1 Restrooms Break Area CPG 2 CPG 3 CPG 4 Civil AffairsLogistics Information Ops Commo Cmd & Cntrl Intel/IM Legal Engr Passageway
TE-5 Scenario: UN Sanctioned/Authorized PKO Mission “Coalition, Lead Nation Led” SRSG Human Rights Component Humanitarian Component Election Component Police Component Administrative component Observer Force UN SG Legend: Strategic Coord/Consultation Operational Coordination National Command MNF Strategic Coordination OPCON or TACON Lead Nation Concept Mongolia is Lead Nation for TE-5 MNF PKO and HA/DR