Eric Anderson Liga (Li-Chia Kuo) Elodie Mambounou José Perez Daniel Qi Le Qiao (Joe) Arturo Saracho Russell Smith Josh Wu Tech-9 Members Advanced Requirements Engineering FALL 2007 Dr. Chung Synergy Distributed Meeting Scheduler Interim Project I Presentation
Outline the process of gathering requirements for the SDMS Address the scheduling of meetings Monitoring of meetings in an efficient as possible wayPurpose
Provide an abstract overview of the SDMS software system proposed by the Tech-9 software development team. SDMS is a web-based software application accessed via a web-browser SDMS proposes a more efficient and reliable means of not only scheduling meetings but monitoring meetings as well The Enterprise Functional and Non-Functional requirements, Stake Holders, Team Architecture and System Functional and Non-Functional Requirements are the scope of this documentScope
Product Description Tech-9 Team members Client Users
Process Flow
Client(s) –Meeting Participants –Meeting Initiators –Domain Expert –System Administrators Requirements Engineer(s) Software Engineer(s) Test Engineer(s) Design Engineer(s) Process Engineer(s) Team Leader(s) Project Manager Product Manager Project Stakeholders
Arturo SarachoProject Plan and Traceability – Lead Daniel QiInterim Project I – Lead Le Qiao (Joe)Interim Project I – Lead Jose PerezFinal Project I – Lead Eric AndersonFinal Project I – Lead Joshua WuInterim Project II – Lead Elodie MambounouInterim Project II – Lead Russell SmithFinal Project II – Lead Liga (Li-Chia Kuo)Final Project II – Lead Members / Responsibilities
Objective Stakeholders Most Important Requirements –Functional –Non Functional Issues & Solutions –Ambiguity –Incompleteness Dependency graph Enterprise Requirements
Get location, date & time from attendees Provide equipment (projector, telephone, etc.) Send invitation Receive invitation Avoid time/date/location conflict Objectives
Meeting initiator Important participant Potential participant Active participant Stakeholders
Functional –A meeting room should be available at the selected meeting date –A meeting room should meet all required equipment sets –Date exclusion sets and date preference sets should be contained in some time interval Non-Functional –The number of negotiations should be kept minimal –Each date conflict resolution should be done as quickly as possible and with no more interactions than needed Most Important Requirements
Ambiguity - The number of negotiations should be kept minimal but a new round of negotiations may be required when no such room can be found (II.1 req 13) “A round of negotiations is not defined.” Solution: Omit the idea of negotiation rounds. This does not imply removal of “the number of negotiations should be kept minimal.” Issues & Solutions
Incompleteness -Each conflict resolution should de done as quickly as possible (II.1 req 7) This sentence does not say how fast a conflict should be solved Solution: Conflict resolutions should be allowed as soon as conflicts arise. Issues & Solutions (Cont.)
I’m non- functional requirement I’m functional requirement I’m the Initiator I’m the participants I’m the dependency relation
Potential Meeting attendees Important participant Active participant Date Range Exclusion set Preference set equipment Meeting date Date conflict Conflict solution Virtual place Meeting room As many preferences as possible Flexibility As many participants as possible No interaction fast Minimal Initiator
Functional Requirements The system shall: –monitor meetings (II.2 req 1). –plan meetings based on participant-given constraints (II.2 req 2). –allow changing participant-given constraints before the meeting is scheduled. This includes modified exclusion set, date preference set, and location preference set (II.2 req 3). –...
Functional Requirements
Ambiguity to keep participants informed about schedules and their changes; and (II.2 req 5) Schedules is not defined. Who's schedules? Solution: Omit the requirement because interpreting it to be all participant's schedules conflicts with II.3 req 3.
Functional Requirements Incompleteness to get replies even from participants not reacting promptly; (II.2 req 5) – It is unknown how this requirement may be met. – Solution: Omit the requirement.
Dependency Graph on Non-functional Rep. Create Meeting Accurately and nomadicity Plan Meeting Manage Interaction Replan Meeting Inform Attendees Get replies Cancel Meeting Re-schedule Monitor Meeting Proceed concurrency Dynamicall y and flexibility Minimize the amount of interaction As closely as the way meetings Typically Managed Convenient and available as early as possible User Friendliness? Physical constraints Minimize the elapsed time and fix a bound time Is the system extensible enough? What is flexible enough? privacy? Reduce overhead Customizable Capacity of requests
Issues & Solutions Ambiguity - Ambiguity is the property of word, terms, notations and concepts (within a particular context) as being undefined, or without an obvious definition and thus having an unclear meaning Ambiguities in non-functional requirement - A meeting should be accurately monitored “Who is going to monitor the meeting?” Solution: The meeting organizer will monitor the meeting
Issues & Solutions (Cont.) - The system should reflect as closely as possible the way meetings are typically managed. - The meeting date and location should be as convenient as possible, and available as early as possible, to all participants. “As closely as possible, as convenient as possible, and available as early as possible” are unclear. Solution: Specify the possibility.
Issues & Solutions (Cont.) - The system should be flexible enough to accommodate evolving data. “Flexible enough” is unclear. Solution: Whenever the data of the participant are changing, the system can update the corresponding data.
Inconsistency -Replanning of a meeting should be done as dynamically and with as much flexibility as possible; (II.3 req 2) -The amount of interaction among participants (e.g., number and length of messages, amount of negotiation required) should be kept minimal; (II.3 req 3) “These two requirements are conflict.” Solution: Reduce the flexibility of replaning meeting to kept minimal amount of interaction. Issues & Solutions (Cont.)
Incompleteness -A meeting should be accurately monitored, especially when it is held in a virtual place. Here, nomadicity will then be important to consider; (II.3 req 1) “ Nomadicity” is not defined”. Solution: “Nomadicity” should be defined. Issues & Solutions (Cont.)