Projekt Universität der Großregion Projet « Université de la Grande Région » Project University of the Greater Region 9th European Week of Regions and Cities - Open Days Brussels, 12 October 2011
Funded under Interreg IVA Greater Region, core area 3 - People Oct – Apr ~ 6 Mio, funding 50% 7 partners: universities in Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg Create common structures and procedures facilitate crossborder cooperation enhance mobility become more attractive for students, academic and scientific staff Challenges at regional level creation of an integrated higher education area transition to information-society Project ID 4 countries 7 universities 3 teaching languages students academic staff Page 2
The Greater Region - and our universities Saarland University: students University of Liège: students University of Luxembourg: students The Universities of Lorraine (Metz, Nancy): students University of Kaiserslautern: students University of Trier: students
Increase mobility Giving students access to the course offer, libraries, cafeterias and other university organisations and student services at all partner universities Simplifying administrative processes for mobile students (e.g. enrolment procedures) Cooperating with regional authorities with regards to transport, support measures (mobility funds) Expand and enrich the course offer of the universities Facilitating the visibility of study offer through a common course offer database of all universities Launching new study programmes with double or joint degrees Promoting other forms of cooperation – joint courses, student exchange and agreements on recognition Strengthen cross-border research and doctoral education Supporting networks among researchers Sharing research infrastructure – rare research equipments database Fostering cooperation in the area of doctoral education – common disciplinary and non-disciplinary courses, soft skills trainings, strengthened cooperation in co-supervision of PhDs Set up sustainable cooperation infrastructure and increase awareness of the network Setting up sustainable governance structures Developing a common regional and international communication and marketing strategy Main objectives and measures Page 4
Advisory Students Council Students representatives of each university UGR operational level Project officers at each university Experts committees UGR Steering Committee Vice-presidents / university representatives in charge of the project UGR Council University presidents + political stakeholders Working groups Pilot Activities Governance structures MODULES One leader + one co-leader Page 5
Developing common strategies International relations, cross border degrees, recognition, communication, doctoral education… Setting up structures between the partner universities Experts committees (9), working groups (4) Creation of a « UGR student status » opening the course offer and other services to all students and related agreement (draft status) on the free access to the course offer for students Agreement between the university libraries Pilot actions to identify best practices in crossborder education and research Setting up shared tools Joint internet portal and marketing materials Comparative academic calendar Joint database on course offer & (non-public) shared catalog on rare research equipments Modell agreements for crossborder cooperation Mobility funds at each university to support mobile students and doctoral candidates Jointly organising events For students: Autumn School For PhD candidates: disciplinary and non-scientific trainings For all researchers: joint scientific conferences and networking events Preliminary results (summer 2011) Page 6
Joint association as of 2013? Reflection on the (legal) structure of the future cooperation Evaluation by the European University Association (EUA) to assess current practices and develop strategic agenda for a joint association Securing results Sustainability of structures through joint association Updating of tools Project prolongation Application for a project prolongation until 2013 Prolongation should enable the partners to work on the creation of sustainable long-term structures Page 7 Perspectives and sustainability
We are innovative because… …we are cooperating at all levels and in all core competence areas of universities …we combine top-down with bottom-up measures …we include the main target group (students) in the decision-making processes of the project … Our main challenges are… …heterogeneity of university size, structures, degree of autonomy and traditions …differences in the universities priorities and positioning …the concern of rationalisation within the universities (fear of job loss, reduced capacities etc.) …statistics – how to measure success? …safeguarding the heterogeneity of university profiles while strengthening joint cooperation (unity in diversity…) … Page 8 Conclusions and challenges
Page 9 Stay connected!
Thank you very much for your attention! Do not hesitate to contact us: / Projet cofinancé par le Fonds européen de développement régional dans le cadre du programme INTERREG IVA Grande Région LUnion européenne investit dans votre avenir. Gefördert durch den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung im Rahmen des Programms INTERREG IVA Großregion Die Europäische Union investiert in Ihre Zukunft. Page 10