Tallinn, Estonia European School of Information Theory April th, 2014 The images are courtesy of Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons
Local organizing committee (University of Tartu) Vitaly Skachek (chair) Helger Lipmaa (vice chair) Dominique Unruh Sven Laur Juri Lember Kairit Shor (project manager in Tartu) Kerli Kangro (Tallinn University Conference Center) Advisory committee Gerhard Kramer Petar Popovski Deniz Gunduz Marcus Greferath (COST Action) Mario Pavcevic (COST Action)
Scientific Program (emphasis on Security, Coding and Networks) Venkatesan Guruswami List error-correction with information-theoretically minimal redundancy Camilla Hollanti Algebraic lattices and applications to communications Yuval Ishai The complexity of information-theoretic secure computation Yingbin Liang Information theoretic security and its applications Bobak Nazer Compute-and-Forward: an explicit link between finite field and Gaussian interference networks Ruediger Urbanke Spatial Coupling -- What is it, why does it work, and what are the open challenges? 3-hour lectures in the morning Poster sessions/lectures in the afternoon Excursion on Wednesday afternoon
Location Tallinn, Estonia Sokos Hotel VIRU Next to the Tallinn Old Town (UNESCO Heritage List) 5-10 minutes walk from the major touristic attractions
Fund Raising IEEE ITSoc Grant of 20,000 USD COST Action IC1104 on Random Network Coding and Designs Travel expenses of network-coding-related speakers (Hollanti and Nazer) Local organizer support 2,400 EUR (but asked to cover attendance of chair Greferath and co-chair Pavcevic) Student travel grant fund of 12,000 EUR (24 scholarships of 500 EUR, can be changed). Only 25 countries-members are eligible. Estonian Center of Excellence in Computer Science (EXCS) Travel of up to two invited speakers
Registration and Accommodation Registration Fees IEEE ITSoc Member: 230 EUR Non-member student/post-doc: 270 EUR Other: 310 EUR (Late registration after Feb. 10 th : extra 50 EUR in each category) Hotel Single room: 69 EUR pppn A place in a shared twin room: 39 EUR pppn Price includes: breakfasts and lunches, coffee breaks, excursion
Expenses Conference room + equipment + poster stands: EUR Invited speaker + foreign organizer travel: 4600 EUR Invited speaker + organizer rooms: 6500 EUR Consumables: 2500 EUR (memory sticks, T-shirts, bags, badges) Other local expenses: 2000 EUR (local organizer travel, speaker dinner, unexpected) Lunches + coffee breaks: ~125 EUR per person Excursion: 700 EUR Management of registrations is done by Tallinn University Conference Center (different university) Their fees: EUR (estimated) Credit card charges: 800 EUR (5%) Other: we plan to cover attendance of 5-10 local students and post-docs Remaining funds: will be returned
Registration so far 48 students and early-stage researchers 17 countries … registration is still open…