NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science NORTRIP-2 project Workshop ›Copenhagen May 2015
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science Agenda ›Wednesday ›10.30 – Welcome and project practicalities › presentations + discussions (Session 1: emission models) › Lunch and visit to HCAB measurement station › presentations + discussions (Session 1: emission models) › Coffee break ›16.00– presentations + discussions (Session 1: emission models) ›16.30 – presentations + discussions (Way forward) ›19 Dinner
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science Agenda ›Thursday › presentations + discussions ›12 – Lunch ›12.45 – presentations + discussions ›13.30 – Reporting, closing remarks
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science B C D A-meeting room B-lunch Wednesday C-HCAB station 1-Dinner Wednesday D-lunch Thursday
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science Updates from Denmark ›Work on OSPM ›Non-homogeneous emissions ›Met.-preprocessor ›NOx –chemistry ›Include NORTRIP emission module ›HCAB News ›New validations / data ›Visit to HCAB station
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science OSPM - Present changes / updates ›Asymmetric streets / inhomogeneous emissions ›Implemented in the core model - DONE -> Air Quality 2014, Paper 2 submitted ›NO 2 fits well while NO x is underestimated ›Chemistry?! Or Parameter estimation -> TBOT paper 4 (spring 2016) ›Uroof / Umast - ratio ; parameter ‘fRoof’ ›changed from 0.82 to 0.4 when switching to COPERT emis. ›back to 0.8 when switching to lower travel speed ›Develop a ‘sub’ model to put this on more solid ground -> TBOT paper 3 (summer 2015, after OSPM work shop ) ›Are our travel speeds / emission factors right? ›Change from now km/h to 20…30 km/h ›Double penalty: a) +++ emissions b) --- TPT -> See NOVANA appendix
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science -> TBOT paper 2 under review, first positive review ; pending implementation into AirGIS and WinOSPM; maybe new PhD Abstract submitted to Air Quality Conference, March 2014
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science Future work on OSPM Long-term (next PhD) ›More validation for Non-standard streets ›Qatar …. HCAB …. Hong Kong … LA ›buildings in different distances ›variable receptor position ›Horizontal positioning of the receptor point ›Height dependence ›street crossings ›calculate the influence of the nearby road network
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science HCAB News
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science New parallel station
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science New Sonic measurements since Dec 2015 ›ongoing; better Met-preprocessor for OSPM to put various fRoofs on more solid ground (Paper 3 of TBOT PhD) ›A) HCAB, top of former Danish Design Center ›B) Rooftop near JGTV station
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science Windspeed Roof, background => Roof. street
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science Windspeed Roof, background => Roof. street
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science Windspeed Airport => Roof, background
NORTRIP – 2 Workshop May , 201 Aarhus University Department of Environmental Science New AQ measurements needs to be looked at with OSPM (pending!)