1 Expert meeting on the estimation of methane emissions from solid waste disposal sites with the first order decay method (EU Climate Change Committee, Working Group on GHG inventories) 8-9 March, 2006 European Environment Agency André Jol Group Leader Climate Change and Energy
2 Improvement activities EU Climate Change Committee Series of workshops under the EU Monitoring Mechanism for greenhouse gas emissions and implementation of the Kyoto Protocol Objectives: share good practices; compare data, methods, models and parameters across countries; make recommendations for improved reporting Key sources of GHG emissions addressed so far: energy agriculture aviation/shipping land use change and forestry waste (including landfills)
3 Recommendations May 2005 workshop Recommendations for improving estimation and reporting of emissions from waste (focus on landfills): General: improve completeness (all source categories); coordinate reporting nationally (Landfill Directive; Waste Statistics Regulation; EPER) Methods/models: first order decay methods are preferred Changes in management practices should be reflected (e.g. separate collection of paper for recycling, composting, mechanical biological treatment or biogas from anaerobic digestion) Use consistent activity data for different reporting purposes Estimation parameters to be reported transparent (e.g. k value/half life) Compare with EPER data and reduce differences Discuss improvement of guidance under future PRTR Enhance measurements to validate models and parameters
4 Background to this expert meeting IPCC 1996 Guidelines and Good Practice Guidance (2000) provide two methods for emission calculation: mass balance (Tier 1) and first order decay (FOD) (Tier 2) Tier 1 methods are likely to overestimate base year emissions and underestimate emissions for (Kyoto commitment period), due to declining amounts of waste landfilled IPCC 2006 Guidelines provide a spreadsheet model for a FOD calculation and additional data needed Several EU MS do not yet use a first order decay method
5 Main objectives of this workshop To help MS to use the (IPCC) first order decay method to estimate emissions from landfills Calculate a first estimate of national emissions for each country (that did not use such a method yet) by using national activity data and parameters To share information on the requirements of the Landfill Directive and modelled effects on methane emissions (2020)
6 Expected output Improved national GHG inventories for waste sector submitted to the European Commission (and EEA)