Working Session 3 Summary 23 April 2008, Riga Jacek Zaucha, Bernhard Heinrichs, Andris Andrushaitis, Andrzej Cieslak.


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Presentation transcript:

Working Session 3 Summary 23 April 2008, Riga Jacek Zaucha, Bernhard Heinrichs, Andris Andrushaitis, Andrzej Cieslak

sea space note even mentioned in the first VASAB strategy guidelines for spatial planning of the coastal zone in the Baltic Sea Region LTP – fully integrated sea and terrestrial space in the BSR A piece of history ICZM- but ”equally include off-shore and land side coastal areas” BALTCOAST – learning by doing – first sea use plans in the BSR plus recommendations on sea use planning Connecting Potentials - ”sea use planning as a tool to prevent conflicts in intensively used offshore areas.” Call for preparation offshore plans VASAB work group on ICZM sea use planning is launched Reccomendations on integrated coastal zone management and offshore spatial planning in the South-Eastern Baltic” EU Blue Book EU Green Book HELCOM RECOMMENDATION on Implementation of Broad-scale Marine Spatial Planning Principle Baltic Sea as a ‘Territory’ Balance

What we want to achieve till Screen national sea use planning systems, start professional discussion; - Detect main developmental potentials (driving forces) and conflicts; - Outline vision and goals for sea space development in the BSR (integrated with a terrestrial one); -Agree on principles for sea use planning for BSR countries; -Prepare an action programme - Keep issue at the political agenda of decision makers (messages)

PP SP BP BN NP BP- binding plans BN – binding plans (under preparation) SP – some aquatories covered by plans PP- Pilot plans NP – no plans at all NP

Principles still are under preparation Indicators measuring the degree of ICZM implementation (PROGRESS) 25 indicators grouped into 5 steps: 1. Non integrated management of coastal zones 2. A framework for ICZM exists3. Vertical and horizontal integration within ICZM programme exists 4. An efficient, participatory planning exists 5. There is full implementation of ICZM

Messages Sea space provides potentials for development of various types of uses -> the demand for use of the sea space is rapidly growing >conflicts are aggravating > all countries should be ready for mitigating and avoiding them Spatial planning -> cross-sectorial involvement and dialogue -> for governance of the Baltic Sea space. The planning and management of the sea space the planning and management of the adjoining terrestrial areas. The Baltic Sea Region has a potential to become a model region - > by developing testing joint principles for maritime spatial planning.

key issues for discussing What is your vision of the Baltic SEA SPACE 2030What is your vision of the Baltic SEA SPACE 2030 What should be jointly agreed at the BSR level (vision?, planning principles?, overall goal, exchange of experience) and by whom (how).What should be jointly agreed at the BSR level (vision?, planning principles?, overall goal, exchange of experience) and by whom (how). What should be the main goal guiding the Baltic sea space usageWhat should be the main goal guiding the Baltic sea space usage What type of uses will drive the Baltic sea space development/management in 2030What type of uses will drive the Baltic sea space development/management in 2030

What is your vision of the Baltic SEA SPACE 2030 National Marine Spatial Planning covers all areas with intensive use and protection conflictsNational Marine Spatial Planning covers all areas with intensive use and protection conflicts Consultation process includes neighbouring countriesConsultation process includes neighbouring countries National plans are legally bindingNational plans are legally binding Guiding principles for the BSR agreed by governments of the BSR countriesGuiding principles for the BSR agreed by governments of the BSR countries Harmonized data base continuously updatedHarmonized data base continuously updated BSR a model for sustainable marine developmentBSR a model for sustainable marine development Clear division of responsibilities between authorities at all leve1Clear division of responsibilities between authorities at all leve1

What should be jointly agreed at the BSR level (vision?, planning principles?, overall goal, exchange of experience) and by whom (how). key issues for discussing Vision (common vision doesn’t mean uniform vision- flexibility, vision shall also mirror heterogenity of the region)Vision (common vision doesn’t mean uniform vision- flexibility, vision shall also mirror heterogenity of the region) Principles (common) – question of institution, who will impose those principles, VASAB + Helcom? New convention on the BSR spatial planning? EU Directive?Principles (common) – question of institution, who will impose those principles, VASAB + Helcom? New convention on the BSR spatial planning? EU Directive? Joint BSR strategy towards DirectiveJoint BSR strategy towards Directive Some basic agreed guidelines (BaltSea Plan?)Some basic agreed guidelines (BaltSea Plan?) Joint spatial plan – no perhaps only broad scale not clear, joint agreement on zooning methodologyJoint spatial plan – no perhaps only broad scale not clear, joint agreement on zooning methodology

What should be the main goal guiding the Baltic sea space usage A well organised seaA well organised sea Have a MSP at a common practice in the BSRHave a MSP at a common practice in the BSR Some basic agreed guidelinesSome basic agreed guidelines Some kind of clear governance structureSome kind of clear governance structure

We want to listen to you We are very grateful that our work is supported by EU in the Framework of the East-West Window