Dean Nicholas.
Mental Health, which is how a person thinks, feels or behaves. Asthma, which is a condition the effects how much air the lungs can take in. Diabetes, which is when the blood contains too much glucose. Weight issues, which is when a person is considered ‘too’ skinny or fat.
Drug use, which is the use of illegal substances. Sun protection, which is protecting your skin from absorbing too much sunlight which can causes skin diseases. Food allergies, which is when the body has an abnormal response to a particular food.
Homelessness or living independently, which is if or who the youth is living with. Cyber safety, which is protecting yourself from being bullied/tracked down over the internet. Sexual/reproductive health, which is being free of STI’s or pregnancy.
Sexual & reproductive health in youth can have bad factors such as pregnancy and Sexually transmitted infections(STI’s). STI’s can cause itching, sores or warts around the genital area. STI’s are caused by bacteria, tiny parasites or lice, they cannot survive for very long without getting human body fluids, which means they could not survive on a toilet seat or in a pool. STI’s can be spread by a person with an STI having sexual intercourse with another (male or female).
The first ever recorded STI was gonorrhea, which was over 2000 years ago. STI’s are now very common, about every 1 in 4 people will obtain an STI before they reach the age of 25. In the USA four million teenagers on average get an STI per year(also putting into consideration that there will be people that will not see a doctor about it). Teenagers run the highest risk of getting an STI, two thirds of STI’s are passed on by teenagers.
The symptoms of AIDS include swollen glands, fevers and night sweats, rashes, tiredness and weight loss. As it worsens it can cause headaches, coughs, confusion, forgetfulness, certain cancers or serious lung infections. The only was to 100% avoid an STI or pregnancy is to not have sex, although if a person uses the same needle another person has used for drugs it can give you other infections that are similar to STI’s.
Locations and operating times of appropriate clinics. The attitude of the person working at the clinic towards the teenager. Quality of the service given from the clinic. Privacy and confidentiality. Gender of the doctor/nurse at the clinic (girls/women prefer to see women doctors/nurses.) Cost of clinical treatments or testing.