Unique usage of the CASPER after Gulf Oil Spill Dr. Mardi Allen Clinical Services Liaison MS Department of Mental Health Dr. Mardi Allen Clinical Services Liaison MS Department of Mental Health
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Millions of liters of oil poured into the Gulf of Mexico soiling 100 miles of coastline and threatening some of the richest fisheries and endangering a fragile ecosystem.
April 20, 2010 Explosion and fire on Deepwater Horizon drilling rig licensed to BP 11 workers are killed. The rig was drilling in 42 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana beneath about 5,000 feet of water and 13,000 feet under the seabed Explosion and fire on Deepwater Horizon drilling rig licensed to BP 11 workers are killed. The rig was drilling in 42 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana beneath about 5,000 feet of water and 13,000 feet under the seabed
April 22 - The $56 million rig sinks and a five mile long oil slick is seen. April 25 - detect the well is leaking 1,000 barrels of crude oil per day. April 28 - estimates change to 5,000 barrels per day five times greater than first estimated. April 22 - The $56 million rig sinks and a five mile long oil slick is seen. April 25 - detect the well is leaking 1,000 barrels of crude oil per day. April 28 - estimates change to 5,000 barrels per day five times greater than first estimated.
April 30, 2010 Obama says BP is responsible for the cleanup. No drilling will be allowed in new areas, until the cause of the Deepwater Horizon accident is known. BP takes full responsibility for the spill and promises to pay all legitimate claims and the cost of the cleanup April 30, 2010 Obama says BP is responsible for the cleanup. No drilling will be allowed in new areas, until the cause of the Deepwater Horizon accident is known. BP takes full responsibility for the spill and promises to pay all legitimate claims and the cost of the cleanup
May Obama visits Gulf Coast to see cleanup effort. U.S. officials close areas affected by the spill to fishing for an initial period of 10 days. BP starts drilling a relief well that could take 2-3 months. BP says one of the three leaks has been shut off by capping a valve, but that would not cut the amount of oil gushing out. May Obama visits Gulf Coast to see cleanup effort. U.S. officials close areas affected by the spill to fishing for an initial period of 10 days. BP starts drilling a relief well that could take 2-3 months. BP says one of the three leaks has been shut off by capping a valve, but that would not cut the amount of oil gushing out.
May , 2010 First a fishing ban until May 17. Executives blame each other at congressional hearings By May 18 a no-fishing zone in waters is extending it to 19 percent of U.S. waters in the Gulf and for an undetermined time-frame. May , 2010 First a fishing ban until May 17. Executives blame each other at congressional hearings By May 18 a no-fishing zone in waters is extending it to 19 percent of U.S. waters in the Gulf and for an undetermined time-frame.
May 19 Many residents remain out of work since the spill. Heavy oil from the spill sloshes ashore in fragile Louisiana marshlands and a powerful current carries it all the way to Florida. More and more businesses and workers are affected by the disaster. May 19 Many residents remain out of work since the spill. Heavy oil from the spill sloshes ashore in fragile Louisiana marshlands and a powerful current carries it all the way to Florida. More and more businesses and workers are affected by the disaster.
In early June, BP CEO Tony Hayward comes to the Gulf. By now the cost of the disaster estimated at $930 million. Devastating news that the "top kill" maneuver to plug the well failed, crushing hopes for a quick end to the largest oil spill in U.S. history. News that it may be August before things are under control plunges BP stock. In early June, BP CEO Tony Hayward comes to the Gulf. By now the cost of the disaster estimated at $930 million. Devastating news that the "top kill" maneuver to plug the well failed, crushing hopes for a quick end to the largest oil spill in U.S. history. News that it may be August before things are under control plunges BP stock.
State Mental Health Agencies from Gulf Coast states request funds to help mitigate and prevent mental health problems associated with the aftermath of the spill.
Anxiety, frustration and fear!!!
Panic over damage, jobs and health
.. As the catastrophic spill continued the devastation grew. Public health issues concerned local, state and federal authorities. The literature on oil spill disaster as consistently demonstrated negative mental health outcomes in affected communities.
The impact on the exposed populations show increases in psychiatric disorders and substance use, along with a decline in perceived quality of life. There has been shown a clear connection between physical health and behavioral health and symptoms of behavioral health often present initially as physical complaints.
For these reasons the MS Department of Mental Health partnered with the state health department and Centers for Disease Control in a unique use of the Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) to assess the behavioral health needs of the MS Gulf Coast
BP makes an initial payment of $12 million to Mississippi for Behavioral Health
References National Geographic Photo Album of Gulf Oil Spill Seba, E., Krasny R., & Cutler, D. (2010). Timeline: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. Retrieved June 9, 2011 from Sumrall, Scott, Department of Mental Health Behavioral Health Grant Program Guidelines for Request for Proposals Special Thanks to Danielle Buttke, DVM, Ph.D, MPH, NCEH Centers for Disease Control Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects, Health Studies Branch and MS Health Department National Geographic Photo Album of Gulf Oil Spill Seba, E., Krasny R., & Cutler, D. (2010). Timeline: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. Retrieved June 9, 2011 from Sumrall, Scott, Department of Mental Health Behavioral Health Grant Program Guidelines for Request for Proposals Special Thanks to Danielle Buttke, DVM, Ph.D, MPH, NCEH Centers for Disease Control Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects, Health Studies Branch and MS Health Department