P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 1 Public Involvement Plan Meeting Former L.E. Mason Property 98 Business Street Hyde Park, MA January 18, 2006 Former L.E. Mason Property 98 Business Street Hyde Park, MA January 18, 2006
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 2 Introductions Om Chopra: Thomas & Betts Corporate Director of Environmental Affairs Dave Egan: Licensed Site Professional LSP for the site since 1999 John Mitchell: Project Manager - Shaw Environmental, Inc. PM for the site since January 1997 Members of Neponset River Watershed Association Public Officials Om Chopra: Thomas & Betts Corporate Director of Environmental Affairs Dave Egan: Licensed Site Professional LSP for the site since 1999 John Mitchell: Project Manager - Shaw Environmental, Inc. PM for the site since January 1997 Members of Neponset River Watershed Association Public Officials
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 3 Purpose of Meeting To introduce public involvement plan To provide a summary of past, current, and future site activities Define mechanisms for future public involvement activities To introduce public involvement plan To provide a summary of past, current, and future site activities Define mechanisms for future public involvement activities
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 4 Site Location 98 Business Street, Hyde Park Approximately 4 acres Located adjacent to Mother Brook Surrounded by commercial, recreational and residential properties 98 Business Street, Hyde Park Approximately 4 acres Located adjacent to Mother Brook Surrounded by commercial, recreational and residential properties
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 5 Property History Property used for manufacturing since the 1850s Miscellaneous die casting processes between 1945 & 2002 Thomas and Betts Corporation acquired LE Mason in 1999 Currently moving and storage business Property used for manufacturing since the 1850s Miscellaneous die casting processes between 1945 & 2002 Thomas and Betts Corporation acquired LE Mason in 1999 Currently moving and storage business
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 6 Mother Brook History The Original Big Dig Oldest canal in the country (circa 1635) Built to power mills along its length Almost 400 years of Industry The Original Big Dig Oldest canal in the country (circa 1635) Built to power mills along its length Almost 400 years of Industry
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 7 Aerial Photo
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 8 Massachusetts Contingency Plan Overview 310 CMR Phased Approach for Investigation and Clean-up End Point-Achieve a Response Action Outcome (RAO) Defined as Achieving a Level of No Significant Risk 310 CMR Phased Approach for Investigation and Clean-up End Point-Achieve a Response Action Outcome (RAO) Defined as Achieving a Level of No Significant Risk
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 9 Overview of MCP Phase I Collect existing data Limited sampling Phase II Detailed environmental investigation Risk Assessment Phase III Evaluation of Cleanup Alternatives Phase IV Cleanup Activities RIP – Remedy Implementation Plan Completion Report Phase V Operations and Maintenance Response Action Outcome No Significant Risk
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 10 Additional Cleanup Activities in MCP RAM Release Abatement Measure IRA Immediate Response Action Response Action Outcome No Significant Risk
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 11 Public Involvement under the MCP Goal Inform Public of Environmental Assessment and Clean-up Activities Fact Sheet Available Public Involvement Plan (PIP) draft prepared and available for review (hand-out) PIP Public Comment Period (1/19/06-2/7/06) Final PIP to be Issued by 2/20/06 Goal Inform Public of Environmental Assessment and Clean-up Activities Fact Sheet Available Public Involvement Plan (PIP) draft prepared and available for review (hand-out) PIP Public Comment Period (1/19/06-2/7/06) Final PIP to be Issued by 2/20/06
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 12 Overview of PIP 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Site Background 3.0 Address Public Comments 4.0 Public Involvement Activities 5.0 Schedule 6.0 Responsibility for Implementing 7.0 Revisions to PIP 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Site Background 3.0 Address Public Comments 4.0 Public Involvement Activities 5.0 Schedule 6.0 Responsibility for Implementing 7.0 Revisions to PIP
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 13 Public Involvement Process under the MCP Repository Location: Boston Public Library Hyde Park Branch 35 Harvard Avenue Hyde Park, MA Next Milestone- Phase IV Remedial Implementation Plan Addendum (1 st Qtr 2006) Provide Notice to Mail List and Public Officials Public Comment Periods Repository Location: Boston Public Library Hyde Park Branch 35 Harvard Avenue Hyde Park, MA Next Milestone- Phase IV Remedial Implementation Plan Addendum (1 st Qtr 2006) Provide Notice to Mail List and Public Officials Public Comment Periods
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 14 Regulatory History Massachusetts Contingency Plan Prior to MCP in 1980s, several UST removals and small soil removals Became Tier 1B site in 1995 Massachusetts Contingency Plan Prior to MCP in 1980s, several UST removals and small soil removals Became Tier 1B site in 1995
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 15 Regulatory History (cont.) Completed the following MCP milestones: Phase I in 1995/1996 Phase II in 1997 LNAPL RAM removal in 1998 Phase III in 1999 Phase IV RIP in 1999 Phase IV Cleanup Activities – 1999 to Present Completed the following MCP milestones: Phase I in 1995/1996 Phase II in 1997 LNAPL RAM removal in 1998 Phase III in 1999 Phase IV RIP in 1999 Phase IV Cleanup Activities – 1999 to Present
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 16 Regulatory History (cont.) Two additional RTNs issued for the site in 2000 related to Mother Brook Mother Brook IRA completed in Tier 1B Extension for original RTN granted by MADEP in 2002 Tier 1B Extension granted by MADEP in 2005 Notice issued by MADEP requiring RAO by March 2007 Phase II/Phase III addendum completed in 2005 Two additional RTNs issued for the site in 2000 related to Mother Brook Mother Brook IRA completed in Tier 1B Extension for original RTN granted by MADEP in 2002 Tier 1B Extension granted by MADEP in 2005 Notice issued by MADEP requiring RAO by March 2007 Phase II/Phase III addendum completed in 2005
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 17 Areas of Site Die Prep Storage Executive Office Zinc Die Cast Boston Water and Sewer Aluminum Die Cast Mother Brook Die Prep Storage Executive Office Zinc Die Cast Boston Water and Sewer Aluminum Die Cast Mother Brook
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 18 Response Action Outcomes April 2003 Die Storage Preparation Area Executive Office Area Zinc Die Cast Area Die Storage Preparation Area Executive Office Area Zinc Die Cast Area
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 19 Mother Brook BWSC
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 20 Die Storage Prep Alleyway Response Actions Petroleum Hydrocarbons and limited Chlorinated Solvents Approximately 1000 cubic yards of soil removed Activity and Use Limitation implemented No Significant Risk to human health, public safety, or the environment achieved Response Action Outcome achieved Petroleum Hydrocarbons and limited Chlorinated Solvents Approximately 1000 cubic yards of soil removed Activity and Use Limitation implemented No Significant Risk to human health, public safety, or the environment achieved Response Action Outcome achieved
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 21 Executive Office Area Response Actions gallon fuel oil UST removed Release Abatement Measure for LNAPL in 1998 Remediation by bailing and absorption Activity and Use Limitation Implemented No Significant Risk to human health, public welfare, or the environment Response Action Outcome Achieved gallon fuel oil UST removed Release Abatement Measure for LNAPL in 1998 Remediation by bailing and absorption Activity and Use Limitation Implemented No Significant Risk to human health, public welfare, or the environment Response Action Outcome Achieved
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 22 Zinc Die Cast Response Actions Two-10,000 gallon fuel-oil USTs removed Several soil removal actions-late 80s and 2002 LNAPL Recovery-1998 Activity and Use Limitations Implemented No Significant Risk to human health, public welfare, or the environment Partial Response Action Outcome Two-10,000 gallon fuel-oil USTs removed Several soil removal actions-late 80s and 2002 LNAPL Recovery-1998 Activity and Use Limitations Implemented No Significant Risk to human health, public welfare, or the environment Partial Response Action Outcome
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 23 Areas Requiring Further Activities Boston Water & Sewer Outfall Former Aluminum Die Cast Mother Brook Boston Water & Sewer Outfall Former Aluminum Die Cast Mother Brook
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 24 BWSC Response Actions BWSC upgraded outfall pipe from Business Street to weir on former LE Mason Site in 1998 Removed 400 cubic yards of soil Treated 36,330 gallons of groundwater Release Abatement Measure conducted to remove PCBs in 1999 Sediment, debris, and water removed. Pipe steam cleaned and tested below standards. BWSC upgraded outfall pipe from Business Street to weir on former LE Mason Site in 1998 Removed 400 cubic yards of soil Treated 36,330 gallons of groundwater Release Abatement Measure conducted to remove PCBs in 1999 Sediment, debris, and water removed. Pipe steam cleaned and tested below standards.
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 25 Additional Activity Planned Lining of concrete pipe to prevent potential subsurface discharges from site
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 26 Aluminum Die Cast Response Actions Fully operating facility until 2002 w/ limited access Soil and groundwater sampling Installation of a Barrier Wall in 2002 between ADC building and Mother Brook. Additional assessment in 2004 Abandoned storm drainage system beneath ADC in 2005 Phase II/Phase III Addendum Completed Fully operating facility until 2002 w/ limited access Soil and groundwater sampling Installation of a Barrier Wall in 2002 between ADC building and Mother Brook. Additional assessment in 2004 Abandoned storm drainage system beneath ADC in 2005 Phase II/Phase III Addendum Completed
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 27 Barrier Wall Installation Installed as a result of a SRM Installed 12 to 22 feet below brook bed Constructed of 6 to 24 inch thick wall Lined vertically with 120-mil HDPE Lined horizontally with 60-mil HDPE Sloped Footing 6 to 12 inches of Bentonite toward recovery well Bentonite covered with 6 to 12 in. of concrete
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P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 29 Former ADC Building 20,000 sq ft building to be demolished (February 2006) Phase IV Addendum (1 st quarter 06) Soil from area approximately 80x50x20 to be excavated Groundwater to be removed from excavation Area will be backfilled and capped New building of similar size will be placed on same footprint 20,000 sq ft building to be demolished (February 2006) Phase IV Addendum (1 st quarter 06) Soil from area approximately 80x50x20 to be excavated Groundwater to be removed from excavation Area will be backfilled and capped New building of similar size will be placed on same footprint
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 30 Mother Brook Response Actions Sediment, Debris Removal and Water Treatment in 2001 2431 tons of soil/sediment removed from site 105 yards of scrap materials 24 tons of decon waste 3,620,658 gallons of water treated Sediment, Debris Removal and Water Treatment in 2001 2431 tons of soil/sediment removed from site 105 yards of scrap materials 24 tons of decon waste 3,620,658 gallons of water treated
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 31 Site Plan Showing RAO and IRA area
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P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 38 Mother Brook Plans Damming of 1000 feet of MB River diversion including natural resource protection 12 to 18 inches of sediment to be removed Re-establish grade with gravel & cobbles Reintroduce vegetation where necessary Damming of 1000 feet of MB River diversion including natural resource protection 12 to 18 inches of sediment to be removed Re-establish grade with gravel & cobbles Reintroduce vegetation where necessary
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 39
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 40 AUL and RAO Activity and Use Limitations (Deed Restriction) for all on property areas. Commercial or Industrial Use only Response Action Outcome Must be submitted to MADEP prior to March 2007 Activity and Use Limitations (Deed Restriction) for all on property areas. Commercial or Industrial Use only Response Action Outcome Must be submitted to MADEP prior to March 2007
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 41 Public Comment Period Any comments on the Public Involvement Plan are due by February 7, Final PIP to be Issued by 2/20/06 Comments should be submitted to: Any comments on the Public Involvement Plan are due by February 7, Final PIP to be Issued by 2/20/06 Comments should be submitted to: John H. Mitchell, CHMM Shaw Environmental, Inc 88C Elm Street Hopkinton, MA
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 42 Question and Answer Session Open Discussion with Representatives of Thomas and Betts and the Public Thank You for Your Interest and Input Future notifications and reports will be available at “ Open Discussion with Representatives of Thomas and Betts and the Public Thank You for Your Interest and Input Future notifications and reports will be available at “
P:\LE Mason\Hyde Park\final06\presentations\ PIP Meeting.ppt 43