Grading Policies Ms. Terry 7 th Grade Mathematics Room 509
Ms. Terry’s Grading Formula: 50% Tests 50% Classwork/Homework
50% Tests Students take a district prescribed test at the end of each chapter. Students complete a practice test with the teacher before each chapter test. The test is graded according to percent correct. Students may retake tests for a higher grade at lunch or after school.
50% Classwork/Homework Students receive a “Math Week” cover sheet each week with a complete description of daily assignments and corresponding point values. Assignments are started in class and should be finished at home. Therefore students have homework nearly every day. Students may get individual help during lunch or after school. When the “Math Week” is due, all required assignments, finished or not, must be submitted with the cover sheet for grading.
Grade Printouts Students will receive a grade printout every 3-4 weeks which needs to be signed by the student and parent or guardian and returned to class. Students may then work to find missing assignments, finish incomplete assignments, or retake tests for a higher grade.
Edusoft Printouts Students will receive an Edusoft printout after each test. Edusoft printouts will include all tests given so far during that year as well as the 6 th grade CST score. My goal is for students to beat their 6 th grade CST score by 10% on 7 th grade tests (unless they were already scoring 90+%).
How can I help my child? Check your child’s Assignment Log each day to see what has been assigned. Check the current Math Week cover sheet. Encourage your student to choose Easy Extra Credit assignments if they need help preparing for grade level assignments. Encourage your student to choose Advanced Extra Credit assignments if they need additional challenges that correspond to the current standards and skills being addressed. Encourage your child to ask for help in class, at lunch or after school.
Thank you for your interest in this class. Please feel free to visit the classroom at any time. Visitors must register at the office. You may call me at to check on your child’s progress. You may me at I generally answer s during lunch or after school.