Innovation Eco Systems: Capacity Building with the Regions of Knowledge Method By Sylvia Schreiber, Member of the Expert Advisory Group, Regions of Knowledge.


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Presentation transcript:

Innovation Eco Systems: Capacity Building with the Regions of Knowledge Method By Sylvia Schreiber, Member of the Expert Advisory Group, Regions of Knowledge Programm Director, Stuttgart Region EU-Office, Brussels Regions for Economic Change European Office

Regions for Economic Change Main objective of the Region of Knowledge Programme: CAPACITY BUILDING ! Capacity for what ? INNOVATION + ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Innovation is a multi-faceted process – from the idea to marketable products, services or process solutions Innovations emerge from well-shaped Eco-systems of Innovation. Regions are one of the system`s players. Regions offer capacities in the innovation eco-system: Skills training, knowledge bases, transfer agencies, science parks, cluster building, network facilitation, policy learning Das Europabüro der Region Stuttgart2

Regions for Economic Change Das Europabüro der Region Stuttgart3

Region for Economic Change Das Europabüro der Region Stuttgart4 Need for a closer look to economic change mechanisms Innovation chain model: Mono-causal step by step Very simplistic Non- dynamic local groups Long duration

Regions for Economic Change Innovation Cycle model Process oriented Multi faceted Clustering + Networks Das Europabüro der Region Stuttgart5 Ideas Knowledge X-Change Research Prototypes Product Development Commerce Value creation Regions : pre- research capacities Regions: pre-research + development capacities: Clustering, networks Regions: post-development valorization by Regional Innovation agencies. Bridges to markets

Regions for Economic Change Das Europabüro der Region Stuttgart6 Innovation model Eco-System: process + system oriented Multi Disciplines Cross-Innovation Spill-Overs ( sector to sector) Interactive Dynamics Fast knowledge Diffusion Shorter time to markets i.e.: Biotech, ICT, Materials Products in Pharma, Food, Health, Info, Energy, Role of Regions: Facilitators of Innovation Eco-systems ( Cluster- Agencies, Incubators, Transfer Centers: Bridging Role )

Regions for Economic change Regions of Knowledge – ROK - Programme Asks mandatory for triple helix-participation: academia- business- public service per region ! Partners are members of the knowledge – driven clusters ( local nests with global connectivity ) Clusters are relevant parts of the innovation eco-system The cluster-networks (intra and inter) form the capacity to innovate ! Transnational X-Change on EUproject level raises capacities by mutual learning, knowledge enhancement,strategy + concepts, joint action plans and: PRIORITY SETTING Das Europabüro der Region Stuttgart7

Regions for Economic Change Das Europabüro der Region Stuttgart8 Practical Regions-of-Knowledge project using the eco-systems model : Four Food Clusters + Four Sports Clusters (from total 8 regions) joined to find new concepts for healthy lifestyles by CROSS INNOVATION (multidisciplinary approaches) The concepts will consist of a mix –match of services and products leading to: Innovative models of healthy canteen meals and physical activity on workplaces / Healthy nutrition/personal e-trainers/ Spatial planning for walkable and bikeable regions /Regional policy by investment in health infrastructure and regional policy targets for healthy lifestyle promotion CROSSINNOVATION requires local eco systems (i.e. Health Clusters) + transnational cooperation !!

Regions for Economic Change Das Europabüro der Region Stuttgart9 Conclusions: The INNOVATION ECOSYSTEMS facilitate the capacity to innnovate. BUT: The direction of innovation has to be found by business.They do PRIORITY SETTING in order to focus and to create critical mass SMART SPECIALIZATION has to be seen as methodology of prioritization for innovation ecosystems in order to create competitive advantages For their enterprises. Regional role: support Future interregional EU cooperation will help to define the smart specialization strategy l by X-CHANGE

Regions for Economic Change Many thanks for your attention ! Contact Sylvia Schreiber Economist & Journalist Director Stuttgart Region House Blvd. Clovis Brussels mail:sylvia. Das Europabüro der Region Stuttgart10