2. It is the systematic and progressive process of growing up from being a babe in Christ unto spiritual maturity in Christ (Perfection). It is God’s.


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Presentation transcript:

2. It is the systematic and progressive process of growing up from being a babe in Christ unto spiritual maturity in Christ (Perfection). It is God’s Apprenticeship Training Scheme for whomever He desires to use and whoever seeks to fulfill the divine purpose for his/her life.

Carried about with every wind of doctrine Carried by the trickery of men Tossed to and fro Carried in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting

To those who are in Christ Jesus Who walk according to the Spirit. To those who are in Christ Jesus Who walk after the flesh.


1 st timer. Born Again. Discipleship : Life Training (Matt 28:18-19; Rom 8:29; Eph. 4:11- 13). Fulfilling the Conditions (Luke 9:23, Matt 11:28). Following Jesus (through His example, His word, the Holy Spirit and Human Disciplers, 1Pet 2:21). Building Kingdom lifestyle (John 15:7; 8:31-32;Matt 5-7). Fullness of the Holy Spirit (John 16:12-15; Rom 8:14). Discipler-Disciple relationships (Phil 4:9; 2Tim 2:2) Personal Ministry in the Market place, the home and community. Prov. 24: Matt. 5:16. Personal Ministry in the FGBMFI chapter Heb.10:25 Operati onal Training Personal Ministry outside the FGBMFI Chapter. (Airlifts, Landlifts, MPOs, FTOs. Matt 4:19; 28:19 Follow up (NYRC etc) Operati onal Training

1. PERSONAL DISCIPLESHIP RELATIONSHIPS.  Each Member to prayerfully seek for and submit self to a more mature Christian, a discipler who shall serve as an Audio-Visual aid to help him/her grow spiritually unto the perfect man. Heb 13:7; 2 Thess 3:9. National Director to Disciple Field Reps. Field Reps to Disciple Chapter Presidents. Chapter Presidents to disciple EXCO and members.

2. Formal meetings of FGBMFI Leadership:  Nigeria National Council (NNC),  National Board of Director's Meetings,  Regional Board Meetings,  District Board Meetings,  Zonal Assemblies,  Area Meetings,  Chapter EXCO Meetings.  Chapter Meetings. 2 Sessions First: Discipleship (Exhortation/Teaching ) & Prayers First: Discipleship (Exhortation/Teaching ) & Prayers Second : Business Meeting. Second : Business Meeting.

3. FGBMFI CONVENTIONS  National  Regional Establishment of Convention Follow Up Project Task Force and Tactical Committee. Adequate Pre- planning to harvest and consolidate the Fruit through Counseling and Follow Up leading to Discipleship. Anointed Life Building Teachings.

4. ALTS at all levels. Sessions Life Training: Discipleship Teachings Operational Training

5. CHAPTER DISCIPLESHIP MEETINGS (INREACHES).  1 st Wednesday of the Month: -Prayer & Discipleship Mtg.  3 rd Chapter Meeting of the Month: Discipleship Meeting using CLIE.  Chapter weekly Prayer meeting using CLIE modules as Exhortation. INREACHES (Discipleship) INREACHES (Discipleship) OUTREACHES (Monthly Outreaches, MPO, FTO, Voice Walk etc). OUTREACHES (Monthly Outreaches, MPO, FTO, Voice Walk etc). Participation of all Members.

6. ABUNDANT LIFE SEMINARS.  Intensifying FGBMFI Vision  The New Creation Life: his Nature, Purpose and Growth.  The New Man and His Business.  The New Man and His Home.  The New Man and His health. OPTIONS Quarterly Weekends Monthly: Saturdays 9am -2pm. Monthly: Saturdays 9am -2pm. District, Zonal, Chapter(s).

7. HOLY GHOST BLITZ.  Teaching on the Person, Ministry and Power of the Holy Spirit and How to walk with Him.  Ministration of the Holy Ghost Baptism  Fanning the Gifts of the Holy Spirit into Flame. Aim: To get Every Member baptized and walk in the Spirit. Chapters March, June, September, November.