Development of partnership on groundwater issues between the EU and non EU countries of the Mediterranean region Development of partnership on groundwater issues between the EU and non EU countries of the Mediterranean region The MED-EUWI Groundwater Working Group: objectives and state of play Athens, June 2005
CIS MED JOINT PROCESS GW5: MED-EUWI Groundwater WG WFD CIS WG C (Groundwater) GW1: Monitoring GW2: Protected areas GW3: Direct/indirect Inputs GW4: Status and Trends MED EUWI / WFD Joint Process Water Scarcity WG Rural Development/ Agriculture WG The MED-EUWI Groundwater WG
OBJECTIVES Exchange experiences, share common challenges and develop synergies between EU and non EU countries aiming at the adoption of a common vision on groundwater resources management, based on the WFD approach and objectives, in the Mediterranean region Provide Mediterranean recommendations, examples and experiences on key issues that have been already selected by the WG C and more specifically on - monitoring, - monitoring, - protected areas (for drinking water supply) and - protected areas (for drinking water supply) and - direct/indirect discharges to groundwater - direct/indirect discharges to groundwater to be included in the general guidance (core text) that will be developed by WG C to be included in the general guidance (core text) that will be developed by WG C
AIMS identify the most significant problems, pressing needs and challenges list on-going regional and national processes, initiatives and projects and create the basis for the development of additional joint initiatives and projects develop common approach methodologies and management strategies and develop adequate recommendations and technical specifications on priority issues transfer, exchange and demonstration of know-how on strategies, criteria, methodologies and tools and improve the awareness raising on issues related to groundwater protection and sustainable management
FINAL OUTPUT Med document on groundwater: Med document on groundwater: Technical specifications and specific recommendations on issues relating to groundwater resources management in the Mediterranean region, based on the WFD approach and the regional conditions. Technical specifications and specific recommendations on issues relating to groundwater resources management in the Mediterranean region, based on the WFD approach and the regional conditions.
WG PROGRESS First meeting of the WG in Marrakech (24 May 05), during the International Technical Seminar on IWRM in the Med region and North Africa, organised by MENBO (Marrakech, May 05) Discussion and definition of the content of the final report (Med document on GW) Drafting of the first elements of the final report (Monitoring) Discussion with the WG C members in January and June 05
WG MEETINGS - OUTCOMES Marrakech (24 May 2005): Dissemination of the Mandate and discussion on the content of the final report First identification of the “contributors” for the different chapters of the final report Requests from many participants for further information and active participation WG C Meetings (28/1 & 7/6/05): Need for Med contributions to the general guidance to be produced by the WG C Suggestions from EU Experts for the content of the Med. document (final report) Need for collaboration and not overlapping with other relative activities
NEXT STEPS Drafting of the different chapters of the Med document on GW (final report) Development of an electronic forum for sharing information, documents, etc. (discussions with EMWIS) Meetings / workshops for discussions between the WG members and EU experts (next WG C meeting: 6/10/05, Brussels)
WORKPLAN Identification of “contributors” for each chapter of the Med document on GW, on progress Report (Med document on groundwater) to be finalised until June 2006 First draft until October 2005 and first version to be presented in the EU WDs meeting (London, 28-29/11/05) The work plan of the MED-EUWI Groundwater WG is strongly affected by the timeframes of the WG C and by specific needs to be addressed by the meetings/workshops The work plan of the MED-EUWI Groundwater WG is strongly affected by the timeframes of the WG C and by specific needs to be addressed by the meetings/workshops
PRIORITY ISSUES – CHAPTERS OF THE MED DOCUMENT Over exploitation of groundwater resources Deterioration in groundwater quality (Saline water intrusion, Chemical pollution, protected areas) Groundwater monitoring and data management International cooperation Institutional aspects
MED DOCUMENT ON GW Review by EC, IAH, BRGM, IGME CHAPTERLEADERCO-DRAFTER EXAMPLES PROVIDER Introduction BLUE PLAN GREECE, EC Chapter I Quantitative status SPAINALGERIA GREECE, ALGERIA Chapter II Qualitative status ALGERIA, TURKEY? CYPRUS? MALTA, ITALY SPAIN, GREECE Chapter III Monitoring & data management GREECE CEDARE, INWEB Chapter IV International cooperation CEDARE?INWEB CEDARE, INWEB Chapter V Institutional aspects ALGERIA Conclusions Appendix I
MEMBERS The Working Group includes Med EU Pilot River Basins coordinators, representatives of Med EU and non EU countries involved in groundwater management and stakeholders. The Working Group includes Med EU Pilot River Basins coordinators, representatives of Med EU and non EU countries involved in groundwater management and stakeholders. The group is open to all active participants committed to supporting the objectives and activities through concrete contributions. The group is open to all active participants committed to supporting the objectives and activities through concrete contributions.
MEMBERSNAMECOUNTRY/ORGANISATION Khaled ABUZEID CEDARE Mohammed BLINDA Plan Bleu Ariane BLUM France - BRGM Serge BROUYERE Université de Liège Jacques GANOULIS INWEB Sevket COKGOR Turkey - Istanbul Technical University Sylvie DETOC European Commission Alfredo DIDOMENICANTONIO Italy Teodoro ESTRELLA Spain Stephen FOSTER IAH Juan FULLANA Spain Idriss HASSANI Algeria – Université d’Oran Jean MARGAT France - BRGM Stephanos PAPATRYFONOS Cyprus Enkelejida PATOZI Albania - Valu Add Management Services Giorgio PINESCHI Italy Panagiotis SAMBATAKAKIS Greece – Institute of Geology Manuel SAPIANO Malta Spyros TASOGLOU Greece
LEADERS: GREECE (Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works) EUROPEAN COMMISSION (DG ENV)