Lorenza Badiello Open Days, Brussels - 13 October 2005 Servizio di Bruxelles Multi-Level Governance in Emilia-Romagna: a Tool for Policy making
Servizio di Bruxelles A new scenario for regions GlobalizationGlobalization More competitiveness and competition Communitarization of policiesCommunitarization of policies Progressive transfer of competences from MS to EU Progressive decentralization within member statesProgressive decentralization within member states More competences to regions (federalism/devolution/decentralisation) Technological DevelopmentTechnological Development Need for more for knowledge, technology and quality Social ChangesSocial Changes More complexity and fragmentation
Servizio di Bruxelles The context: New challenges for regions Weak of regional dimension in Lisbon Strategy Weak of regional dimension in Lisbon Strategy Involvement of regions in drafting national reference programs. Failure of OMC that merely involves MS (Open Method of Coordination) Failure of OMC that merely involves MS (Open Method of Coordination) Regions are closer to the citizens and have incentive to deliver locally the best policies available Emerging of a new Multilevel Governance (MLG) to deliver the LS Emerging of a new Multilevel Governance (MLG) to deliver the LS A more comprehensive approach due to new levels of complexity
Servizio di Bruxelles Regions contribute to the process of democratic governance and subsidiarity. That is the way for a smoother integration in Europe. The enhancing of the regional dimension in the Lisbon Strategy (main EU tools for social and economic growth) can lead to: - -Better understanding and involvement of relevant stakeholders; - -Better ownership of the concept of social and economic growth - -Better regulation and quality of policy making (new perspective on OMC) The regional dimension Decentralization and Governance
Servizio di Bruxelles Re-launching multilvevel governance The concept of multilevel governance goes hand in hand with decentralization. It highlights the importance of analysing public policies and programmes in terms of relations existing between: Different levels of government Economic organization and associations Local and transnational networks Networks of social actors/stakeholders
Servizio di Bruxelles The case of Emilia-Romagna: Key figures Area: 22,120 km 2 Population: 4,150,000 Per capita GP: 29,000 Unemployment rate: 3,1% (2004) Municipalities: 341
Servizio di Bruxelles The Emilia-Romagna The Emilia-Romagna model PIACENZA PARMA MODENA FORLI BOLOGNA FERRARA RAVENNA RIMINI REGGIO EMILIA Enterprises: Main economic Sectors: the agricultural food sector; the mechanical- engineering sector;the industrial machinery sector; the building sector; the fashion sector; the furnishing sector; the health sector. 4 more 1 Universities: Bologna, Modena e Reggio Emilia, Ferrara and Piacenza
Servizio di Bruxelles Why is it a Model? Strong and social economic cohesion Strong and social economic cohesion Strong political leadership Strong political leadership Strong entrepreneurial system Strong entrepreneurial system Strong public private partnership Strong public private partnership Good infrastructures and services Good infrastructures and services High employment rate High employment rate Effective governance Effective governance Innovation technology and knowledge Innovation technology and knowledge
Servizio di Bruxelles The strategic approach of Emilia-Romagna Open Method of coordination (regional) Responsibility Effectiveness Participation Coherence Concertazione to prepare something together with others. To take decisions (particularly in the socio-economic field) trought large partnerships and agreements.
Servizio di Bruxelles Our Governance Tool: Pact for quality of growth and cohesion The Pact for the quality of growth and social cohesion =>signed by the regional government, local authorities, entrepreneurs associations, trade unions and the regional chambers of commerce (in February 2004). Aims of the agreement: to strengthen cooperation between institutions and civil society to share strategies and objectives on major economic and social issues, for the next four years ( ). Content of the agreement: common agenda on… economic growth and regional networks Welfare Immigration Human capital Environment
Servizio di Bruxelles Its our working common Agenda Together is the key word to build up our Social Vision of GROWTH and INNOVATION Pact for quality of growth and cohesion
Servizio di Bruxelles DPEF – Economic and financial analysis and planning DPEF – Economic and financial analysis and planning PTR – Regional Territorial Plan PTR – Regional Territorial Plan PRRITT – Programme on Industrial Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer PRRITT – Programme on Industrial Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer Regional Telematic Plan Regional Telematic Plan PSR – Rural Development PlanPSR – Rural Development Plan Three-year plan for Environment Three-year plan for Environment Better regulation Better regulation Other Governance Tools
Servizio di Bruxelles Conclusions Strengthening the regional dimension in the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy Strengthening the regional dimension in the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy Contribution to the Lisbon debate at national and EU levelContribution to the Lisbon debate at national and EU level Local accountability to global economic and social shocks/challengesLocal accountability to global economic and social shocks/challenges
Servizio di Bruxelles The key to understanding the new economic geography of creativity and its effect on economic outcomes lies in what I call the 3ts of economic development: technology, talent, and tolerance…To attract creative people, generate innovation and stimulate economic development, a place must have all of three.The key to understanding the new economic geography of creativity and its effect on economic outcomes lies in what I call the 3ts of economic development: technology, talent, and tolerance…To attract creative people, generate innovation and stimulate economic development, a place must have all of three. Richard Florida
Servizio di Bruxelles Contact us Regione Emilia-Romagna Brussels Liaison Office Avenue de lYser 19 B-1040 – Brussels Tel.: Fax: Web: romagna.it/web_guest/bruxelles/index.htm romagna.it/web_guest/bruxelles/index.htmhttp:// romagna.it/web_guest/bruxelles/index.htm