Pan-European E-Government: The Quest for Value Andrea Di Maio
Key Issues nAssessment of e-government service delivery must go beyond the e-Europe benchmark, to capture value, effectiveness and efficiency nAssessment of e-government service delivery must go beyond the e-Europe benchmark, to capture value, effectiveness and efficiency. nDeveloping pan-European services should not focus only on infrastructure and interoperability issues, but should be driven by agreed and auditable means to prioritize services. nArchitecture and interoperability standard must consider the growing role of the private sector in service delivery and intermediation.
E-Government SurveyMania Income taxes 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% DK F EL ISL I NOR PE UK D NL A FIN IRL BS L countries degree of on-line sophistication
Main Benefits: Time Saving, Better Service Main Inhibitors: Security and Privacy Change of address Healthcare reservations Motor vehicles Remote voting Access to elected reps. Tickets and fines Licenses, permits Income tax filing Health care records + - Relevance What Do Constituents Really Want?
Assessing E-Government Strategy: Cubing the Circle Political return. Operational efficiency Cost to constituent High Low High Low Desirable Acceptable Mandatory Unacceptable Value to constituent Constituent service
Assessment Framework Availability TCU Value/cost Use Channel impact Depth No. of channels Push/pull maturity usefulness success Cost/transaction Trans. time No. of trans./empl. cost time % aborted trans. (G2E+G2B) / G2G Headcount % joined services No. of org. units use Degree of transform. PR Economic develop. Closing divide Increased participation Media hits s Technology penetration B2C volumes Public access points Visits on policy pages % Voters B2B volumes Skill demand and supply Constituent Service Operational Efficiency Political Return
Life-event models Government-managed Priority on front end Focus on G2G integration Local marketplaces Real life-event models Provided by third parties Priority on Web services Resolve privacy issues Channel Public Private Public PPP/PFI Govt. own portals Govt. ASPs Govt.-hosted community sites Leading portals Banks Utilities Associations ME-service prov. Content and Services Moving house Filing and paying tax Communicate change to govt. portal E-file taxes through RS site Communicate change to utility or moving SP E-file via practitioner or Internet portal or bank Event The Strategic Irrelevance of Portals
Depth Execute Service or Update Increasing the Scope and Depth of Integration Scope Within Dept. Send Data Across Depts. Govt.- wide Known Partners Ad Hoc Partners Intermingle Processes Immediate Lookup Autonomous Application Systems Local Integration Broad Integration Virtual Enterprise Global Integration Speed and Agility recommended route
Overview of E-Government Conceptual Architecture Infrastructure Shared Services Data Integration Business Applications Interface Customers Reusable components for COI applications Integration Scope Third-Party Interface
Transaction Information Intermediated/Outsourced Service E-voting E-polling Tax filing DMV, change address Search laws E-procurement Certificates Tourism and culture Tickets and fines 100%50%0% Sourcing the Front End