Welcome Juanma Ormazabal (entrepreneur) from Aceros Ormazabal company (steel)


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Juanma Ormazabal (entrepreneur) from Aceros Ormazabal company (steel)

Day Project update 10.30Needs analysis key findings by county 11.15Coffee 11.45Needs analysis key findings by country and common strands Modified Train the Trainer Pack 13.30Lunch New activities and examples 17.00Next steps and summary

Project objectives Adapt & transfer LIFE Train the trainer programme Add greater focus on employability & entrepreneurship Help disadvantaged young people Develop potential for LIFE products to be included in VET teacher training

Target groups Vocational teachers and trainers Vocational learners Employer groups Organisations which support disadvantaged young people Key influencers in national VET teacher training frameworks

Meeting objectives (1) WP1 Review project progress towards key milestones WP1 Review financial monitoring to date and understand requirements for interim report WP3 Agree key research findings from needs analysis research with target groups

Meeting objectives (2) WP4 Review LIFE Train the Trainer Pack and agree changes, new activities and good practice examples WP6 Review dissemination progress in partner countries and future plans WP7 Review progress with contacts for sustainability strategy for including LIFE 2 products in national teacher training and VET frameworks

Actions from last meeting

Key milestones & results 1.Needs analysis survey * by May Training package * by November Pilot & evaluation * by May Website * - in place/update 5.Evaluation 1 st report - done 6.Sustainability reports by June LIFE 2 leaflet *- done * Translations into partner languages

National Agency feedback Good progress so far – on track Ensure minimum numbers of target groups achieved at needs analysis & pilot stages Update LIFE 1 pack based on needs analysis Focus on dissemination – events, etc. Thematic Group 3 – skill development input Monitor impact indicators Review finances

WP2 Quality & evaluation Quality management plan review – indicators by work package First evaluation report from Jim – LIFE 1 understanding - what worked well, new ideas new partners Communication between partners: Monthly status reports, to all partners; telephone if need help; website for latest documents

WP3 Needs Analysis Objectives To identify European priorities for teaching life skills & convergence with national priorities To value experience gained from other similar initiatives To identify needs of vocational teachers, learners and employers regarding life skills To identify current skills of VET teachers in teaching life skills To identify appropriate delivery models to suit target groups

Needs analysis Minimum responses 10 teachers/trainers 1 learner group (minimum 8 learners) 1 employer group (minimum 4 employers) 1 organisation working with disadvantaged young people

WP3next steps Common strands Country reports – 31 March Synthesis report – 30 April Translations – 31 May

WP4 Review of Train the Trainer Pack What should be included? -Standards -Tasks -Activities -Good practice examples Needs analysis findings Focus on employability & entrepreneurship

WP4 Proposals New activities New examples of good practice Focus on employability & entrepreneurship How these can be included in lesson plans

Next steps Train the Trainer Revisions New materials including resources and videos Redraft – May 2012 Final agreed copy – June 2012 Translations – October 2012 Production – November 2012

Summary Agree outcomes from Day 1 – WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4 Plans for Day 2

Day Visit to disadvantaged group organisation 09.30WP6 Dissemination progress 11.00Coffee 11.30WP7 - Sustainability Lunch & photo 14.30Next steps WP5 pilot & next meeting 15.00Interim report requirements & finances by partner 17.30Summary of outcomes and agreements

WP6 Dissemination & exploitation strategy – Disseminate aims, progress, products and results of the project to target groups, VET providers and other stakeholders nationally and Europe wide – Raise awareness and promote the project aims throughout Europe – Facilitate the transferability of the results and knowledge to other stakeholders in other countries

Intellectual property rights Product freely available to target groups Website continues beyond project end Market product in way best suited to country

Dissemination & plans Dissemination record, results & feedback 1 st year for Interim Report Target groups database Evidence e.g. Articles, photos, posters Website links Future plans – products and results

Website Document bank, meetings, progress, news - dissemination Links with partner & other websites

Dissemination UK Press articles – Somerset Guardian Your Scene Spring 2012 College publication Leaflets at meetings (teachers & employers) College website link

Dissemination Europe EfVET newsletter Dec 11 & March 12 Project entry on website Round table at conference October 2012

Round table ideas!

WP7 - Sustainability Potential for including LIFE 2 products in national teacher training Database of key influencers e.g. award bodies, decision makers, training support agencies Link with dissemination Discuss potential with contacts Progress reports by partner

WP7 - Sustainability In your group, discuss ideas for contacting key influencers and discussing how LIFE 2 products can be included in national teacher training

WP5 Pilot & evaluation Pilot format, delivery & quality agree at next meeting Pilot & evaluation plan by 31 October Translate evaluation forms by 30 November Country pilot plans by 30 November Pilots completed by 28 February 2013

Pilot minimum numbers 12 teacher evaluations; 1 learner group (minimum 8 learners); 1 employer group (minimum 4 employers); 1 organisation working with disadvantaged young people - Feedback on relevance & usefulness of product in terms of entrepreneurship & employability

LIFE 1 pilot recommendations Incentive for teachers to attend training Explain benefits of skill development & overcome time/resource issues Encourage teachers to recognise need to improve their own life skills Invite updates and new activities Add answers to tasks & suggestions on how to address any issues

LIFE 1 pilot recommendations Use positive comments from previous participants to promote Consider VETPRO Close links to target groups through social partners throughout project

Budgets, finance and reporting

Finance – key stages Interim report by Dec 2012 Feedback from interim report 2 nd payment of 40% (must spend 70% of 1 st payment) Final report by Dec 2013 Final payment of 20% on approval of Final Report

Income Leonardo grant 75% Contribution by partners 25% Any national support to be declared

Financial requirements Payments based on results and receipts (invoices, boarding passes) Finance & administration handbook Exchange rates on date of transfer

Budget headings Staff costs – timesheets, evidence of day rate Travel & subsistence – overnight stays Equipment – no budget Subcontracting – translation, printing Other – EfVET conference fees, press releases, room hire

Reporting Complete Interim report financial tables for 1 st year Staff costs consistent with timesheets Staff declaration - timesheets VAT declaration Evidence Eligibility Any questions?

Next meeting Portugal – 3-6 October 2012 Key topics for discussion – WP4 Modified Train the Trainer Pack; WP5 Pilot preparation; WP6 & 7 Dissemination & sustainability progress and plans, interim report

Next steps Summary and outcomes, actions for WP1,WP6, WP7 Areas where help required?

Did we meet objectives? WP1 Review project progress towards key milestones WP1 Review financial monitoring to date and understand requirements for interim report WP3 Agree key research findings from needs analysis research with target groups WP4 Review LIFE Train the Trainer Pack and agree changes, new activities and good practice examples WP6 Review dissemination progress in partner countries and future plans WP7 Review progress with contacts for sustainability strategy for including LIFE 2 products in national teacher training and VET frameworks


Summary Agree outcomes from Day 2 Agree actions and timescales HAVE A GOOD JOURNEY HOME